Entrées avec l'étiquette digital .

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05 juil. 2021 - 20:17
It’s taken a while to record the second CDO Chat video, but today I finally had the joy of an hour of Ben Unsworth‘s virtual company! Ben has done loads in digital government, including stints at the Home Office and with FutureGov, and these days he is the Director for Service Transformation at Essex County Council. In this video, we talk about Ben’s role and what it encompasses,... Voir plus
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16 févr. 2021 - 00:08
As part of an occasional series, here’s a video of a conversation I had today with Kit Collingwood, Deputy Director for Digital and Customer Services at the Royal Borough of Greenwich. Kit shares some great insights and has some really interesting views on digital transformation in local government, so I really do recommend you watch the whole thing! If you’d rather listen to it, you... Voir plus
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28 juin 2018 - 07:30
This was originally published as the lead article in my weekly email newsletter. If you’d like to get more of this sort of thing on a regular basis, sign up! Most of the stories about what organisations are doing on digital transformation tend to get published in the form of case studies, and most of those case studies are written and published by vendors of either technology... Voir plus
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01 juin 2018 - 13:27
If you’re interested in receiving a weekly email with all the best digital transformation content, whether news, opinion or analysis, delivered straight to your inbox, then do sign up for the Digital Digest at http://digest.digital/   I put quite a bit of effort into selecting the most interesting and useful stuff, and add a bit of commentary here and there to help make things... Voir plus
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10 mai 2018 - 11:44
In a fairly complex world, everyone yearns for a simple solution. The one thing they should do to make things better. The single solution to all their problems. Digital transformation is no different, and many of the marketers working in this space know it – that’s why they usually claim that their ‘platforms’ will deliver everything an organisation needs to change itself for the digital age. ... Voir plus
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11 août 2017 - 18:18
I took a week off doing this last week – the shame! – so apologies for that*. A good crop this time round though. Enjoy! Tom Steinberg asks Why even bother with a user centred, digital government? and it’s a very interesting question. We spend a lot of time wondering what such a thing might look like, but without understanding why you’re doing it life... Voir plus
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01 août 2017 - 08:59
While you wonder where on earth the sun has gone (and I don't mean from the accurate depiction of the solar system above) here are some interesting things to read. There are many tech roles going at Guildford Borough Council – take a look and best of luck if you go for one. If you're on the lookout for a job, don't forget Jukesie's email list. Eleven... Voir plus
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24 juil. 2017 - 17:23
These seemed to go down well last week, so here we are again... Digital Delivery Manager – my old team at Adur & Worthing are recruiting for a delivery manger to whip the programme into shape there. A great opportunity to work on stuff at the cutting edge of local gov tech. Things of the internet – a lovely post by Ben Holliday on what it means to... Voir plus
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17 juil. 2017 - 10:54
Most Fridays I publish a list of five interesting links that I have spotted that week. I thought that maybe folk here would enjoy them too, so here they are. Let me know if it is useful and I'll try and remember to do it next week as well. Digital Workplace Leader – a fun looking job going at Thanet District Council. “The digital workplace leader will be an experienced professional who... Voir plus
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08 mai 2017 - 13:25
As part of the work putting together a Technology Strategy (think IT + digital) for my current employer, I came up with six principles of good technology. The idea is that each of these principles must be met by any piece of technology the organisation wishes to buy or to build. (The purpose of the strategy is to develop what was a fairly traditional IT team into a rebranded ‘Technology... Voir plus
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