
5 highlights of your new Knowledge Hub

Your new KHub: a smarter design to improve your KHub experience

Your new improved collaborative experience is coming soon! Yes, we know we’ve been talking about it for some time now, but after some teething troubles, we are almost there and want to remind you about some of the exciting features to look forward to.

1. New look and feel
Your new version of Knowledge Hub has a fresh new design with clearer, simplified navigation and contextual menus, so you know exactly where you are. With clean icons and hover text, and better use of the space on pages, it provides a slicker experience. Whether you’re finding interesting information or sharing content using the new in-line text editor or image editor, your smarter Knowledge Hub makes it much easier and quicker to find your way around the site and participate in groups.

2. New home page
You will be able to continue to access your activity stream from your home page; you’ll find that this page is free of clutter, making keeping up to date with activity from your groups and connections effortless. Accessing groups is much better too with your groups listed in the order you last visited them. In addition, the better use of icons and descriptive hover text over links throughout the site, means your new home page will have more space for announcements and other items of interest.

3. Notifications
There will be much more flexibility and choice in the way you receive notifications. The new version provides email and ‘in-platform’ notifications so that you can mix and match how you receive updates from your groups and different types of content. Simply select ‘email’ or ‘website’ to determine where you’d like to receive each notification. A new bell icon at the top of the page will also make spotting your in-platform notifications obvious. See how many you have and get to them quickly as soon as you log in.

4. New profile area
Edit your details and access everything related to you, easily, in one place. Just click your name and go straight to your profile where you will find your blogs, connections, groups, messages, notifications, favourites and you can adjust your settings. Adding a photo or avatar to your profile is simple with our new in-line editor. We’ll also be encouraging all new members to complete their profiles through a staged registration process to help you connect with relevant colleagues and find out more about them.

5. Mobile responsiveness
Your Knowledge Hub mobile experience also gets a whole lot better too. With an improved mobile responsive design, the ‘mobile first’ approach will provide you with a consistent and seamless experience, whether you’re accessing Knowledge Hub via your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone. It will be simpler and quicker to access your groups, conversations and connections from your device and you’ll be able to interact much easier.

To get here we have taken on board your feedback and undergone numerous rounds of user testing to build a platform that is easy to use, helps you connect with members and get more involved in your groups. These improvements bring Knowledge Hub up to date and provide a solid foundation, on which to bring you new and relevant features down the line. So, watch out for updates about our go-live date coming soon and please encourage your colleagues to sign up!

Keep up to date with our blog for sneak previews and news on what’s changing on Knowledge Hub this year.

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