
Get tweeting and get talking

Happy International Social Media Week everyone!

Yes, it’s social media week this week and to celebrate, we’re encouraging council officers and councillors all over the country to take to Twitter on Thursday 27 September to offer residents a live insight into a day in the life of local government using the hashtag #OurDay. We want to raise the profile of the great work that happens every day in local councils and shout about the unsung heroes who work so hard to provide services in their communities.

If you’d like to find out more about who’s doing what, have a look at the #localgov gets social blogs.

We’re also running a live online discussion on Friday 28 September between 11am-1pm in the #localgov gets social group. Members will be sharing their learning and experiences on the use of social media to engage with their communities, including their experiences of #OurDay. We'll also be launching our new social media friendly mark.

You can join the discussion in the #localgov gets social forum.

There’s still time to join in with the social media week activities, so why not give it a go? If you need help getting started, drop us line.

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