
Helpful hints and handy tips

Can I help you?

Everyone needs a little help sometimes.  Learning how to get the best out of an online system can take time.  But that is exactly why we’ve developed two new help centres to take the stress away.

The Knowledge Hub Help Centre helps you make the most of connecting with other members and participating in groups of like-minded people.  It covers:

  • Getting Started
  • My Home
  • Groups


You can find the new Knowledge Hub Help Centre at the bottom left of the every page in the footer.

The Facilitators Help Centre is a helpful guide for those involved in facilitating a group and assisting them to meet their purpose.  The help centre covers:

  • Administration
  • Moderation
  • Management


Again you can find the Facilitators Help Centre at the bottom left of the every page in the footer.

This is just the start of a larger resource that we will build up over time.  If we have missed something or if you have a question that needs answering please leave a comment or send us a direct message and we will add it to the help centres.

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