
How to stand out in the crowd - KHub’s new @mentions

@mention - how to stand out from the crowd

Ever spotted an interesting blog on Knowledge Hub and wanted to highlight it to a colleague? Maybe you’ve been asked a question in a discussion forum, but you know someone else will have the answer? Or perhaps you’d just like to get your blog noticed by particular people that you know? Well, your new version of Knowledge Hub will enable you to do just that…

Those who are familiar with Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and other social media platforms will be aware of the @mention and how it helps you and your content stand out from the crowd. For those who’ve never used @mentions before, they’re a simple way to grab someone’s attention and point them in the direction of a blog, discussion or comment you think they’d like. It helps them sift through all the ‘noise’ from around the platform and directs them straight to something you think they might be interested in.


How it worksAdding an @mention image
When you’re writing a blog, posting a new discussion, or commenting on something, simply type the @ symbol and then the screen name of the person you want to mention. You’ll see that when you start typing, a list of suggested names pops up. Gradually, as you type more of the person’s name, the suggestions will narrow down until you see the one you want and you can select it.


Setting your @mention notifications
As soon as you’ve posted something with an @mention in it, the person you’ve mentioned will receive a notification to let them know that you’ve spotted something of interest to them. You’ll also see that the @mention becomes a link to that person’s profile.

Setting your notifications image

You will be able to set your @mention notifications along with all your other notifications from your settings in your profile. It’s a good idea to keep these notifications on, as you don’t want to miss something a colleague thinks you might like to see.



The importance of completing your profile

Of course, the magic of @mentions only starts to really happen when people complete their profiles. Making sure you have a profile photo is an important part of ensuring that when someone mentions you - they actually mention you and not someone with the same name.

5 reasons to use @mentions

So, why would you want to bother with @mentions anyway?

  1. Draw attention to a content item you think someone else will enjoy.
  2. Flag up the fact that you’ve blogged and ensure that those mentioned will comment on it and help promote it.
  3. Respond to someone’s question in a forum discussion highlighting key people you think might be able to help them.
  4. Credit someone for something they posted in another group, or on their blog and link to it.
  5. Draw attention to members people might like to connect with.

Look out for our next blog for more sneak previews and news on what’s changing on Knowledge Hub this year.

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