Entrées avec l'étiquette community management .

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06 sept. 2022 - 15:37
After months of hard work, we’re thrilled to announce that the newly upgraded and refreshed Knowledge Hub is due to go live soon.  On the morning of Monday 19 September 2022, the updated platform will be live and includes a brand new look and feel, easier navigation, enhancements to key collaborative features plus a range of new interactive elements. To make these important technical ... Voir plus
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07 juin 2021 - 12:45
A successful online group doesn’t just spring up out of nowhere. These active online groups are the result of a carefully thought out and tested process. What are those processes that can help your online group get off to a flying start, and keep it active and make it thrive? What do you want to achieve? You probably already have an idea of what kind of online group you want to... Voir plus
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30 avr. 2021 - 10:36
Running an active online group isn’t easy. The natural tendency for online groups is to start strong when everyone is new and excited, but they can dwindle over time as members and facilitators lose interest, if they do not have a strong purpose or an action plan to work on. This is something that we term the trough of sorrow. But more on that another day. We have learned a lot since we... Voir plus
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25 févr. 2021 - 09:39
COVID-19 has made a dramatic impact on conferences and in-person events being cancelled to protect people and "flatten the curve" of this virus, which is the right thing to do. As we adapt our workplace and how we interact with each other, the need for virtual events has increased. In time there may be the option for blended events that mix face to face elements with virtual... Voir plus
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14 août 2020 - 13:52
There are examples across the whole of the UK, and some great tweets and posts about the ways in which councils have worked together with their partners and communities. The New Local Government Network did a brilliant job of collating them and summarising the main themes over on their Councils vs COVID and #CouncilsRespond series of blog posts. In many cases, councils have built... Voir plus
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13 août 2020 - 13:54
With budget cuts and reduced funding, digital collaboration plays an important role and enables Knowledge Hub members to stay connected, reach a wider audience and support their work. The recent pandemic has increased the need for members to stay connected and tap into a wider audience (in addition to the usual go-to colleagues,) while continuing to carry out their job role. Many... Voir plus
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15 juil. 2020 - 08:38
You might be someone who jumps right in and gets stuck in there and learns by winging it. Or you might be a little more cautious and assess all the bits and pieces first and then get going, knowing that you have some formal guidance to help you along the way. Then there are those who prefer to seek some help and advice from others and find out how they got on with it, and perhaps... Voir plus
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12 mai 2020 - 11:18
Why group communications matter Your members might benefit from regular communications from you that allows them to develop useful habits about how they visit and participate in the group. There may be news and updates that members will be keen to find out on a routine basis or perhaps more ad-hoc communications to keep momentum going. Either way, a simple group communications... Voir plus
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20 déc. 2017 - 09:51
Our top 5 tips for getting the most out of Knowledge Hub   1. Join groups Knowledge Hub’s groups are where lots of the action happens. They’re the place to be for sharing knowledge, experiences and insight with colleagues across public service, who have the same interests as you, or do a similar job. Find and join groups relevant to you   2. Get involved As a group... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:20
    This article was reposted from Micheal Norton's blog  I have the unenviable task over the next few months of contacting community facilitators who are looking after communities on the Knowledge Hub that appear to have gone into an inactive state. When I say inactive, I’m classing it as no new content in the last 6 months. But you should not despair the... Voir plus
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