Entrées avec l'étiquette online communities .

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07 juin 2021 - 12:45
A successful online group doesn’t just spring up out of nowhere. These active online groups are the result of a carefully thought out and tested process. What are those processes that can help your online group get off to a flying start, and keep it active and make it thrive? What do you want to achieve? You probably already have an idea of what kind of online group you want to... Voir plus
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30 avr. 2021 - 10:36
Running an active online group isn’t easy. The natural tendency for online groups is to start strong when everyone is new and excited, but they can dwindle over time as members and facilitators lose interest, if they do not have a strong purpose or an action plan to work on. This is something that we term the trough of sorrow. But more on that another day. We have learned a lot since we... Voir plus
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25 févr. 2021 - 09:39
COVID-19 has made a dramatic impact on conferences and in-person events being cancelled to protect people and "flatten the curve" of this virus, which is the right thing to do. As we adapt our workplace and how we interact with each other, the need for virtual events has increased. In time there may be the option for blended events that mix face to face elements with virtual... Voir plus
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