
Councils could become “housing delivery enablers” according to new report

A report presented to the government this week by Natalie Elphicke and Cllr Keith House states councils can play a greater role in getting the country building. Our feature writer, Suzanne Danon, explores further...

The authors argue that councils should be put at the heart of providing more homes, and under proposals they put forward, would become housing delivery enablers. This would involve assessing the housing needs of their area, and working with businesses, housing associations and others to provide the homes their residents want and need to build strong and sustainable communities. They also call on the government to provide the support councils will need in this new role.

“Unlocking councils will help to deliver the homes we need and get more young people on the housing ladder”, said Ms Elphicke.

“We have talked for a decade. There have been many great reforms. Now it’s time for councils to foster a homebuilding revolution.”

Cllr House added: “We have seen some inspiring examples of councils driving housing for their areas, particularly where they have set up housing companies to drive forward house building. With skills and confidence, more councils can help to deliver that step change in housing supply. It’s now time for action not words.”

Housing Minister Brandon Lewis welcomed the report, adding that although planning permission had been granted on 240,000 new homes in the year to September, it was clear councils “could do more” to deliver homes for their communities.

Chief Secretary to the Treasure Danny Alexander agreed sating there was clearly scope for local authorities to go further to “help solve the country’s current housing crisis”.

The Local Government Association called the report positive, but highlighted their continued work and commitment in the area of building new homes.

“Councils are already working hard to make sure the homes our communities need get built,” said LGA housing spokesman Cllr Peter Box

“We have the ambition and appetite to build more affordable homes and are finding innovative ways to use land and finance building schemes. Councils must have a lead role in building if we are to deliver the homes and infrastructure we need, as this report recognises. It is positive that the report recommends a stronger role for councils in joining up public sector land and highlights opportunities for new ways of financing housing which the LGA is working with councils to explore. 

"The LGA has set out proposals which, if adopted by the next government, would see half a million extra new homes built over the next Parliament, transforming the lives of hundreds of thousands of families. To do this, we still need the removal of the housing borrowing cap, as well as changes to Right to Buy, the creation of council-led local land trusts and a meaningful incentives scheme to encourage developers to speed up building.

"Councils have set a precedent in the past and shown they can deliver housing on a large scale. National politicians need to recognise this once again and we hope all parties make housing a priority in their manifestos."

The Government has immediately accepted a number of the report’s recommendations. Additional support will be offered on supporting communities that want to bring forward a neighbourhood plan, and the government will monitor schemes to support smaller builders.

Read the full Elphicke-House Report here.

And see the Government's response here.

Are you involved with planning and housing development in a council? How can councils foster a 'homebuilding revolution'? We'd love to hear your thoughts on the subject.

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