
Great turnout for Not in Westminster event

An event designed to make democracy ‘work better for everyone’ has been hailed as a great success. Our feature writer Suzanne Danon spoke to one of the organisers Carl Whistlecraft, Head of Governance and Democratic Services at Kirklees Council, to find out more.

The Not in Westminster event, held in Huddersfield at the weekend, attracted approximately 80 delegates ranging from academics and councillors through to residents. Mr Whistlecraft said the event had been organised to encourage positive discussion around local democracy and to share best practice ideas around increasing citizen engagement in local decision making.

Throughout the day talks were interspersed with workshops, which encouraged attendees to commit to making changes.

“All the workshops had to come up with three ideas,” Mr Whistlecraft explained. “All three ideas were then pitched in an ideas bazaar and people had to commit to act to work on those ideas or actions after the event. The main task we have now is to capture all of the information and share it and take these ideas forward.”

He added: “Everyone who signed up for the day believes democracy is important, but all agreed that we need to do something about it. Everyone who came bought into the idea that we need to value democracy a bit more and redesign it.”

Discussions raised during the day included the use of technology and how it can be used in a better way to engage with people; the ongoing disconnection between young people and democracy; and, the change in dynamics between councils and voters, and the need to enable citizens to solve problems for themselves.

“We want to use this day to influence national Government and providers, increase collaboration, and get people to connect across the sector and keep in touch,” added Mr Whistlecraft.

Outcomes of the day will be fed into Knowledge Hub over the next couple of weeks, please give us your comments about the event below. Please keep checking back to add your comments as the workshop outcomes are posted.

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