Entrées avec l'étiquette democracy .

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13 févr. 2015 - 09:31
An event designed to make democracy ‘work better for everyone’ has been hailed as a great success. Our feature writer Suzanne Danon spoke to one of the organisers Carl Whistlecraft, Head of Governance and Democratic Services at Kirklees Council, to find out more. The Not in Westminster event, held in Huddersfield at the weekend, attracted approximately 80 delegates ranging from... Voir plus
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06 févr. 2015 - 16:04
A report released this week has urged the Government to introduce a number of new methods to get people voting and registered to vote in the first place to avoid a ‘crisis of democratic engagement’. Our feature writer Suzanne Danon tells us more. The Political and Constitutional Reform Committee has recommended that the Government considers online voting, holding elections at the weekend,... Voir plus
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04 févr. 2015 - 14:26
Ahead of this weekend's Not in Westminster event, our feature writer Suzanne Danon examines a report launched by the Digital Democracy Commission, designed to help people engage with the democratic process by recognising society’s greater interaction with technology. The report Open Up! recognises that the growth of digital technology has to be taken account of when looking... Voir plus
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14 juil. 2014 - 12:04
We recently ran a fabulous blog by our friends Dave McKenna and Carl Whistlecraft @LDBytes all about their digital councillor session at #localgovcamp - that was part 1. We're now thrilled to announce part 2...! Given that we are in the midst of World Cup frenzy it seems fitting that our Digital Tips for Councillors has turned out to be a game of two halves.  Our first... Voir plus
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14 juil. 2014 - 11:43
This set of 11 helpful digital tips for new councillors comes courtesy of our lovely friends Dave McKenna and Carl Whistlecraft @LDBytes as part of their Rewiring Local Democracy work. They ran a great session at #localgovcamp and used it to produce the following top tips for new councillors on getting down and digital. Thanks Dave and Carl for letting us reproduce your blog here... Our... Voir plus
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