Entrées avec l'étiquette local authority .

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23 nov. 2017 - 15:47
The following announcment was made: Congratulations are in order for Phoenix's Managing Director, Paul Caddy, who at last night's annual BPA Members' Dinner in London, was awarded the Ernest Davies Award for Advanced Parking Knowledge. The award recognised Paul's recent article supporting calls for an independent regulator for the enforcement industry. A copy of the winning... Voir plus
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03 nov. 2017 - 11:39
The police might be forgiven for thinking that parts of the press have it in for them. First The Sun launched an all out assault on Humberside Police for officers being photographed playing on dodgems at a fun fair. Then the same paper criticised Avon and Somerset Constabulary for an awareness raising campaign around modern slavery that involved officers painting their nails (highlighting the... Voir plus
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14 juin 2017 - 13:24
Having been closely involved with the passage of the TCE reforms, as CIVEA President and a member of the MOJ industry working party, Phoenix Managing Director, Paul Caddy, has considered long and hard whether the reforms required an independent regulator, or whether the current situation, self -regulation and regulation by clients, the LGO and for individual EAs, the County Court “certification... Voir plus
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01 juin 2017 - 16:17
The Finance & Leasing Association (FLA) and The UK Cards Association launched a new research publication – Vulnerability: a guide for debt collection. Developed with the University of Bristol’s Personal Finance Research Centre (PFRC), the publication aims to help debt collection staff better identify and support customers in vulnerable circumstances. The guide provides new data, new... Voir plus
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03 mai 2017 - 10:19
Phoenix has been working with local authorities since 1999, providing enforcement agency services for debt collection including council tax, business rates, commercial rent and unpaid PCNs. They are now launching a new service to add to their collections portfolio, Phoenix High Court Enforcement. Phoenix made the following announcement: With our awarding winning customer service, gold... Voir plus
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07 août 2017 - 10:30
We interviewed Alex Marshall, Programme Support at the Local Government Association about how the LG Inform and LG Inform Plus Group is used to support a range of work including gathering local authority feedback, consultations, organising content for events, disseminating learning and more.   "We gather informal feedback about LG Inform through polls and ideas, and we can also... Voir plus
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27 janv. 2017 - 14:00
The winners of the The Cabinet Office’s ‘The Way We Work Awards’ (TW3) were announced yesterday. We were excited as two of our networks had been shortlisted – the Government Project Delivery Community (GovPDC) and Health Project Delivery Community (HealthPDC). See our earlier blog about the awards. And the winner is… A big congratulations to the Infrastructure and Projects Authority who won... Voir plus
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23 janv. 2017 - 09:43
Today is Community Manager Appreciation Day. A day that recognises and celebrates the efforts of community managers/facilitators. So have you said thank you to them for all the effort they put in to keep your group relevant, interesting and active? What do they actually do?   This is a question that gets asked a lot. If you facilitate a Community of Practice, you know that it can be... Voir plus
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20 janv. 2017 - 14:30
We are really pleased that two of our networks have been shortlisted for The Cabinet Office’s ‘The Way We Work Awards’ (TW3). Both the Government Project Delivery Community (GovPDC) and Health Project Delivery Community (HealthPDC) were launched on Knowledge Hub last year. These networks are for those involved in project and programme delivery. The GovPDC is a network of like-minded people... Voir plus
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07 août 2017 - 07:41
Our interview with Barrie Minney, Senior Enforcement Agent at Brighton & Hove City Council, reveals how the Local Authority Civil Enforcement Forum (LACEF) group has been saving money through sharing advice and best practice on local authority debt collection. "The group regularly helps a lot of us to learn new ways of working. using the latest debt collection technique is one... Voir plus
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17 août 2017 - 11:00
We interviewed Melissa Whittle, Engagement Co-ordinator at GeoPlace LLP, about the trusted community they have built for local authority members to share best practice advice on addressing and street data.   Connecting and sharing knowledge and experiences   The GeoPlace Authority Contacts group is specifically for our Data Co-operation Agreement (DCA) 3000 role holders and... Voir plus
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03 août 2017 - 15:41
We interviewed Rob Nowak, Petroleum Explosives Supervisor at West Yorkshire Fire & Rescue Service, about how the Fireworks Enforcement Liaison Group (FELG) brings trading standards authorities and fire authorities together to develop a consistent approach to enforcing regulation in the UK. "It bridges the Gap between fire authorities and local authorities as it provides a space for... Voir plus
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15 oct. 2015 - 11:15
Introduction The Charities (Protection and Social Investment) Bill 2015 (“the Bill”) is currently before Parliament. The Bill is relatively short and deals with two areas in particular: i) the powers of charities to make social investments; and ii) granting the Charity Commission (“the Commission”) increased powers to deal with, and help to prevent, the abuse of charities. Whilst it is the... Voir plus
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19 janv. 2015 - 09:53
Calls have once again been made for all admission authorities in England to comply fully with the Schools Admission Code, reports our feature writer Suzanne Danon. In particular this surrounds admission authorities complying fully on consulting, determining and publishing their arrangements to promote fair access for all children. The calls have been made by the Chief Schools Adjudicator... Voir plus
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