Entrées avec l'étiquette open data .

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20 sept. 2016 - 11:15
The 7th Annual GovDelivery Public Sector Communications Conference (#UKComm16) is fast approaching. On 29 September, you could join hundreds of communicators, service designers and citizen engagement strategists at RIBA Venues in London for a day of networking, inspirational talks and lots of learning. Over 700 people have already registered for this event - which has now become the biggest... Voir plus
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12 nov. 2015 - 10:15
It was a full house at the recent Digital Leaders North West meeting in Manchester to talk about digital creativity and innovation. We’re all striving to be more creative and innovative, why is that so many of us aren’t – or feel like we aren’t? And what are creativity and innovation anyway? Liz Copeland of Knowledge Hub enlightens us on a really interesting and inspiring meeting… Digital... Voir plus
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22 sept. 2015 - 13:13
It's always interesting at Digital Leaders North West discussions that we often don't end up talking about technology or digital, we end up talking about people – and data! Hold on... Wasn't the data discussion last month? It was. But it actually formed quite a large part of this month's discussion too. Liz Copeland of Knowledge Hub tells us more… I'll be honest I don't understand much about... Voir plus
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19 août 2015 - 13:48
OK, OK, that’s not strictly the case, but there’s an element of truth in it and the pun was too good to resist! In fact, as Knowledge Hub’s Liz Copeland goes on to explain, a portion of time at this month’s Digital Leaders North West meeting was spent discussing the fact that while there’s a lot of open data available, much of it is old and inaccurate and therefore even if it is cleverly used... Voir plus
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22 juil. 2015 - 14:53
At this month’s Digital Leaders North West (DLNW) Salon we celebrated our one year anniversary and shared some of our highlights of the year and what we'd like to talk about at future meetings. DLNW Steering Group member, Liz Copeland, summarises this special salon...   What a pleasure it was to get together with other digital leaders to celebrate the first anniversary of Digital... Voir plus
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