Entrées avec l'étiquette technology .

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05 juil. 2018 - 13:42
This week saw the launch of the Local Digital Declaration, a joint endeavour between the UK Ministry for Housing, Communities and Local Government (MHCLG), the Government Digital Service (GDS), and a collection of local authorities and sector bodies from across the UK. These organisations have come together to affirm their collective ambition for local public services in the internet age and... Voir plus
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11 oct. 2016 - 07:37
Thanks to Liferay for this guest blog about their recent digital transformation white paper and their forthcoming conference on 3 November. (You can find the exec summary of the white paper here.) Complimentary passes to the conference are available for KHub members, so read on to find out more... Earlier this summer we flagged up an infographic that was the result of 200+ public sector... Voir plus
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15 juin 2016 - 16:44
In a recent survey, a staggering 1 in 3 says their organisation has no unified digital strategy. What are the key hurdles the public sector faces in achieving digital transformation? It is two years since the Digital by Default Service Standard came into effect. Since then we've come to understand that digital transformation isn't just about delivering online services but about the way an... Voir plus
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31 mars 2016 - 09:41
What is a digital leader anyway? Is there something about digital leadership that is different, or is a good leader good in any field? What does digital leadership really mean? All good questions – and ones we tried to answer in our Digital Leaders North West meeting last week. Liz Copeland of Knowledge Hub tells us more… We began our session as always with three willing speakers ready to tell... Voir plus
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07 mars 2016 - 16:23
Richard Gahagan, CEO, We Are Adam, reflects on the recent ‘Tech Nation 2016’ report and what it says about the North digital tech cluster. The North was once a key driver of the industrial revolution and now the Northern Powerhouse is establishing itself as a leader in digital innovation. The region itself has a range of sector expertise, from games to Healthtech and E-commerce. Notable... Voir plus
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22 déc. 2015 - 09:05
It was a merry band that gathered in Manchester last week for the final Digital Leaders North West meeting of 2015. The excitement was palpable, as we took our seats ready for the hottest debate of the year! Liz Copeland of Knowledge Hub guides us through what happened. Our motion: This house believes that digital saves money, solves problems and delivers efficiencies. Speaking for the motion... Voir plus
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22 sept. 2015 - 13:13
It's always interesting at Digital Leaders North West discussions that we often don't end up talking about technology or digital, we end up talking about people – and data! Hold on... Wasn't the data discussion last month? It was. But it actually formed quite a large part of this month's discussion too. Liz Copeland of Knowledge Hub tells us more… I'll be honest I don't understand much about... Voir plus
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04 févr. 2015 - 14:26
Ahead of this weekend's Not in Westminster event, our feature writer Suzanne Danon examines a report launched by the Digital Democracy Commission, designed to help people engage with the democratic process by recognising society’s greater interaction with technology. The report Open Up! recognises that the growth of digital technology has to be taken account of when looking... Voir plus
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23 janv. 2015 - 14:49
The Government has announced a tech teaching funding boost of £3.6m, to ensure primary school children are equipped with the right skills for the future. Our feature writer, Suzanne Danon, tells us more. Experts from firms including 02 and Google will help prepare England’s primary school teachers for the new computing curriculum, which more than four million primary school children have... Voir plus
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