Entrées avec l'étiquette workforce .

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19 nov. 2015 - 17:30
Since 2012 those working and volunteering to deliver public services have been coming together for an annual 24 hour tweetathon called #OurDay to showcase the important work that happens every day in our communities. It’s just one day in the year to tell the story of what really happens in public services. On Wednesday 18 November the fourth #OurDay was held, and it was combined with... Voir plus
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27 nov. 2014 - 15:36
Wednesday 26 November 2014 saw the third annual #OurDay celebration. OurDay is an opportunity to showcase the fantastic work that goes on every day across public service. From local government, health and education to those who give up their time voluntarily to serve others, OurDay is about recognising all those who contribute to public service in some way.   And what a day we had!... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:25
Given the recent high profile cases relating to holiday pay, should we be speculating the end of the low cost holiday (for employers at least!)? With a landmark case set to trigger a radical overhaul over the way holiday pay is calculated, public sector HR and payroll managers need to consider the implications. What’s the case? In Neal v Freightliner Ltd, the Tribunal held that an... Voir plus
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