Entrées avec l'étiquette collaboration .

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24 oct. 2017 - 11:22
If you're reading this you already know that Knowledge Hub is a great tool to help you collaborate. But have you ever wondered how it really all comes together? Over the years Knowledge Hub has evolved based on feedback from you – our members. We have always believed that the only way Knowledge Hub can be a success is if we take on board what you want and remain relevant to your... Voir plus
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20 juin 2016 - 07:50
As usual the national Digital Leaders conference in London last week was a great opportunity to catch up with old friends and new, listen to and learn from some first rate speakers and consider some good food for thought. One of the activities during the day was an interactive, dynamic word cloud that encouraged everyone to feed in one word in answer to a question about the key themes of the... Voir plus
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21 mars 2016 - 10:26
It was my pleasure and privilege to be invited to present a walkthrough of the Knowledge Hub to some of our new UDiTE network members in Malaga, Spain, this weekend. As well as being welcomed into the group as a friend, it was great to meet colleagues involved in public services from all over Europe.   ... Voir plus
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10 juil. 2015 - 15:56
Yesterday saw me battling my way across London despite the tube strike, to head up to Birmingham for CommsCamp15. It was well worth the effort, as I found myself inspired and enthused by the conversations. Congratulations to Dan Slee, Darren Caveney and Emma Rodgers and all the other supporters for a really well organised day. It’s hard to pick out key highlights of the day – aside from the... Voir plus
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15 juin 2015 - 10:33
During the Second World War Bletchley Park was Britain’s best kept secret and home to an incredible list of codebreaking and game-changing achievements that, it is said, shortened the length of the war by two years. Recently I’ve been reading a fascinating book about the women of Bletchley Park and their stories. As well as opening my eyes to the work of Bletchley Park, it’s made me draw some... Voir plus
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02 oct. 2014 - 08:56
I suppose it’s not surprising because of my job that a lot of people ask me, “So, this Knowledge Hub, what’s it all about?” And my answer…? Well, it doesn’t vary much; it usually goes something along the lines of “It’s a digital platform that enables people to collaborate with each other, to share information, good practice, experience and ideas, hopefully with the outcome of improving the... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 12:54
Last night I took part in a pub quiz with a number of colleagues. Apart from a lot of fun and hilarity, I learnt that the game subbuteo gets its name from a bird 'subbuteo falco' (bird of prey) and that items that used to be called  Hanways are actually umbrellas. Amidst all of this fun and games and while waiting for the 80s music round (which never materialised unfortunately -... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:33
Did anyone catch that fabulous programme on BBC2 a couple of months ago – The Choir? I’m sure many of you will have heard of Gareth Malone and his work with the Military Wives choir. Well, his most recent programme covered workplace choirs – basically gathering together a bunch of people who could sing in a range of well known organisations and turning them into amazing and very... Voir plus
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