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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
24 oct. 2017 - 11:22
If you're reading this you already know that Knowledge Hub is a great tool to help you collaborate. But have you ever wondered how it really all comes together? Over the years Knowledge Hub has evolved based on feedback from you – our members. We have always believed that the only way Knowledge Hub can be a success is if we take on board what you want and remain relevant to your... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
22 avr. 2016 - 15:03
Three words come to mind as I reflect on this year's Socitm Spring conference: innovation, transformation and people. What you'll notice from those three words is that they don't include technology. That's because a key theme was the technology as the enabler, not the solution.  If you've ever read any previous blogs of mine, you'll realise that this is a theme that's dear to my heart.... Voir plus
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