
Are we just distracting ourselves?

While technology may be boosting your productivity in some ways, it could be hurting it in others,

We know, in the workplace, there are many distractions.  There are those just in our environment such as Noise, Meetings, Tea / Coffee run, and Clutter.  Just to mention some of the most common ones

But with more of us working in the Digital Workplace.  This could be within an office or home working, the distractions are becoming more common place due to Social Media.

But is Social Media really the fault for all of our distractions?

With some much information, not only at our finger tips but also looking for our attention

The getting back on task is probably more of the issue.

During the Liferay conference there was a great slide shared about distraction based on self-interruptions in discretionary multitasking by Rachel Adler.

Rachel suggested that you can have

  • 87 distractions per day
  • It can sometimes take around 23 minutes to get back on task (not everytime)
  • 65 of those distractions are caused by yourself.


I agree that a lot of the distraction can be caused by yourself.  Content that we subscribe to, items that peak our interest that may leads us onto something else.  I’m always looking for that serendipity moment which may lead to other ideas.

But at the same time, you should judge the priorities, do you have the time to explore, learn, ask, discuss and put that knowledge into practice.  I hope that you do on occasions. 

Otherwise it’s back to the task.  You can always bookmark or save for another day.  Just try and not get distracted.


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