Entrées avec l'étiquette online facilitators community .

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25 avr. 2018 - 12:35
When I first started work at a district council.  There was a corridor with a number of green doors. None of them had a label to say what was in them.  You could open one of them and find yourself in a busy room with lots of people going about their work.  Or you could open another and it would be a cupboard or an empty room. I just never knew what was going to be behind the... Voir plus
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08 févr. 2018 - 14:58
If you have ever hosted a webinar for a large group of people then you know about that time slot that starts about 10 minutes before the start time.  For me, It’s the time of nervousness. In my head I am thinking will people turn up; will they have problems logging in and as the host, you must make the decision on how you will start. A lot of webinar platforms allow people to say... Voir plus
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19 janv. 2018 - 12:48
Monday the 22nd January marks Community Manager Appreciation Day otherwise known as #CMAD on twitter and we wanted to thank all the hard-working community facilitators.  We know it’s not an easy job and the work and effort you put into to make your group successful should be applauded   Whether it’s bringing in the next big thing, finding the missing piece of the puzzle,... Voir plus
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10 janv. 2018 - 16:37
As a Facilitator of any online group or community, you need to know what’s going on. If you don’t keep on top of what’s happening anything could happen. You could miss something important, you may start to lose members as they feel no one is responding to them. Then there is the worst case scenario, that someone adds something that is inappropriate to the group,... Voir plus
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04 janv. 2018 - 09:27
Building an online community is easy, right?  You just press a few buttons on some great new bit of technology and everything happens for you. Everyone is doing it.  Hundreds of thousands of online communities are springing up everywhere due to the enhancement of technology and our use of social media. But there is a wasteland of inactive online communities out there, that had so... Voir plus
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20 déc. 2017 - 09:31
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13 déc. 2017 - 16:15
Growing your group, refreshing your member and keeping everyone in the loop as to what is going on is essential to continued activity and engagement in your online community. Blogging can be a great tool to help you do this. But how do you get started? How do you plan and review blogs and what different styles can you use?   Let’s start with the basic As you always have to quote... Voir plus
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04 sept. 2017 - 09:04
I’ve been hosting different forms of webinars for a number for years so I have some experience but I’m not the best. So rather than me just rolling off my experience of hosting webinars, we decided to host an online chat.  What’s an online chat you ask?  Well, it’s based on the concept of a Twitter chat where we use a group forum instead of Twitter. For me,... Voir plus
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04 mars 2015 - 09:43
Joe Cothrel from Lithium asked this question the other day.  A bit of background may help you answer the question. The facilitators of the group help push the group forward toward its purpose and objectives through a range of face to face and online activities.  But what happens when they stop pushing forward for a little while. Will it be like a Ferrari?  That when you... Voir plus
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26 févr. 2015 - 14:24
Polls are fun, enlightening, and great conversation starters. Best of all, they’re an easy way for lurkers to start participating in your group. But the best way to use a poll is to gather insight from members. However, this is actually more difficult than you might think. If you want to get real insight from them, you need to know what questions to ask and what answers to offer. Our... Voir plus
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18 févr. 2015 - 09:31
You always know that a get-together has gone well when you get kicked out of the room and everyone is still in in-depth conversation as they are walking out of the room and still chatting in the corridor and lift. Yesterday (Tuesday 17th Feb) was our first face to face get together of Online Facilitators across the Knowledge Hub and a couple of guests. This will hopefully be the first of... Voir plus
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24 nov. 2014 - 09:10
From research conducted Nonnecke, B., Andrews, D., Preece, J 2006 suggested that only 13.2 % of those questioned had no intention to post from the outset. Historically participation levels have followed a pattern. On Wikipedia it is suggested that participation levels will follow the 1-9-90 rule. This is based on the idea of creator, contributor and lurker. Socious suggest its... Voir plus
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10 sept. 2014 - 09:07
Has your group been struggling to take off and activity within the group is occasional or non-existent? Did you pick the tools first before finding out what you group was trying to achieve and what your members are comfortable with?  If you did you still have a chance to get activity back into your group by selecting the real engagement tools for your group. This was our latest... Voir plus
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04 sept. 2014 - 09:40
No I’m not talking about the 80’s Norwegian band.  But the moment when members of a community start to believe that you do not need to be an expert to write a blog. A number of facilitators of communities that I have spoken to would love to have more member’s blogging about the subject area.  But when they speak to them, they are a little shy and do not believe they are expert... Voir plus
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18 août 2014 - 16:45
It has  been suggested that more and more large projects are failing and that we maybe designing in project failure by mistake. How do we change this approach? How do we improve or innovate in projects with such a rigid project management approach? Judy Payne discuss these issues in this great video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kraI0RAA6fA Voir plus
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14 août 2014 - 13:56
We all only have a limited amount of time when it comes to facilitating our group.  From previous research the average was around 4 hours per week for some of the most active groups.     And The State of Community Management report backs up that the correct types of action by the facilitator can really increase participation rate.  So what are those... Voir plus
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06 août 2014 - 09:37
I’ve used a Knowledge Management technique called a Marketplace to help at the start of building communities in the past. Using two simple questions. What they want from the community What can they offer the community This normally helps identify the topics of interest to the group and what they already know.  Allowing you to create some quick wins and match people and the... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:02
Monday the 27th Jan is a normal day for most people unless you work in the community management environment. This year the 27th was a Monday and this meant it was Community Manager Appreciation Day It’s the 5th year this has run.  And each year it gets bigger and bigger.  Who would have thought that 5 years ago there would be a 24 hour Google Hangout talking about community... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:09
It’s that time again.  For that one Monday in January we all say thank you to the facilitators of our communities during Community Manager Appreciation Day Please take a moment to say thank you to those who put all the hard work in behind the scene to keep the communities that you participate in going. It’s not often they get thanks.  And just one thank you makes such a big... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:39
Before you start an online group, I would recommend that you ask yourself these 5 questions Do you have a clear purpose and value proposition for all involved? Do you have dedicated and skilled facilitators’? Are you potential members online? Have you checked out the landscape? Do you have a plan of critical topics to cover during the first three to six months of its... Voir plus
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