Entrées avec l'étiquette community .

a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
10 oct. 2018 - 08:30
I’m an avid fan of LinkedIn. As a professional social networking tool across all sectors, it has been amazing in the way you can connect with professionals in your area of work.  And for that, it is the “go to” place. One of the key aspects that I liked about LinkedIn was the Groups.  You could find well run groups around your topic area, ask questions, gain insights etc.  What... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
12 juil. 2014 - 15:42
It's time for the THIRD annual CMAD on the 23rd of January. Wikipedia: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Community_Manager_Appreciation_Day What to do? It's so easy: Thank your Community Manager in blog posts, tweets, hugs, or gift them tea, cakes and biscuits  Or use a combination, everyone knows that Community Facilitators / Managers love biscuits.  Community Manager... Voir plus
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a écrit un nouveau billet de blog
12 juil. 2014 - 15:14
Another great post by Richard Millington over at Feverbee.  I will be remembering this one.  Have we made the group / community interesting?   Richard say "It's not the conflicts, spam, provocative members, off-topic discussions and technology troubles that will cause members to quit.  In extreme proportions (notably with spam), members might eventually leave.... Voir plus
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