Entrées avec l'étiquette knowledge management .

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05 déc. 2018 - 13:04
I had the pleasure of attending the latest Henley Forum Event in November where the key theme of the day being Accelerating innovation 3 great sessions during the day allowed us to explore more about innovation, hear about Knowledge Campaigns and take part in a hackathon without coding. Innovating Together   The day kicked out with Nancy Kinder on how you can enhance ideation and... Voir plus
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20 nov. 2018 - 14:29
Last week I had the pleasure of attending the APM Knowledge SIG Conference called 4 leaps forward.  And a big thank you to everyone that came along. 4 key elements in the Knowledge Management world have finally come together to make Knowledge Management a recognised profession.  Hopefully, this will make it a bit easier for me in the future to explain what I do. ISO Knowledge... Voir plus
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29 août 2018 - 09:55
With the imminent arrival of the ISO Standard for Knowledge Management, I started to gather a range of content that I have come across from different people, much more in the know than I am on the subject, before the deluge of people trying to sell you products and services that they say will make you ISO compliant but in reality will probably make no difference.   What could the ISO... Voir plus
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04 juil. 2018 - 08:42
  Last week I had the pleasure of attending the Henley Forum event on Advancing Knowledgeable Practice. One of the great session put on was based on the Room 101 concept.  Our host for the session was Tim Andrews with the panel consisting of Chris Collison, Cora Newell and James Brown.           Over 3 sessions each one of the panelists would present... Voir plus
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14 déc. 2017 - 16:42
If you're free on the 10th of January between 12:30am and 1:30pm and have an interest in Knowledge Management and Project Management then put aside some time and book your place. Judy Payne a member of the ISO working group that has drafted the standard will introduce and cover the following points: What is the status of the standard? Why is the standard needed? What are the key... Voir plus
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08 déc. 2017 - 16:29
Knowledge Management has been seen by some in the past a thing that other people do or something that technology can solve.  Organisations that have gone down this route probably have failed to implement this way of working having probably failed to develop a way that promotes and enables value creation through shared knowledge. Some have probably said that this is a fad, we don’t... Voir plus
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22 août 2017 - 08:55
I wrote down the three comments below before attending Arthur Shelley’s Masterclass on KNOWledge SUCCESSion based on the book by the same name. “Project managers think that Knowledge Management is lessons learned.” “Knowledge managers wonder why projects struggle to know the knowledge needs of a project and wait until the end to even think about what has been... Voir plus
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02 juin 2017 - 14:17
The concept of working out loud is a great one especially when you start to add online communities into the mix. As Dion Hinchcliffe, Author & Chief Strategy Officer points out “ "Working Out Loud, perhaps the most fundamental digital workplace skill" So what is working out loud? Working Out Loud is the practice of sharing work in progress with a relevant community to enable learning... Voir plus
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13 juin 2016 - 08:15
We all talk about encouraging collaboration as a way of working in our organisation and across organisations. It’s a difficult task.  In a recent APM Knowledge SIG that I took part in we looked at Collaboration, co-operation and competition – project environments through a knowledge lens. With some great example of how different organisations are encouraging collaboration. But the... Voir plus
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04 sept. 2014 - 09:40
No I’m not talking about the 80’s Norwegian band.  But the moment when members of a community start to believe that you do not need to be an expert to write a blog. A number of facilitators of communities that I have spoken to would love to have more member’s blogging about the subject area.  But when they speak to them, they are a little shy and do not believe they are expert... Voir plus
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18 août 2014 - 16:45
It has  been suggested that more and more large projects are failing and that we maybe designing in project failure by mistake. How do we change this approach? How do we improve or innovate in projects with such a rigid project management approach? Judy Payne discuss these issues in this great video. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kraI0RAA6fA Voir plus
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06 août 2014 - 09:37
I’ve used a Knowledge Management technique called a Marketplace to help at the start of building communities in the past. Using two simple questions. What they want from the community What can they offer the community This normally helps identify the topics of interest to the group and what they already know.  Allowing you to create some quick wins and match people and the... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 12:54
Another great Courageous conversation hosted by Judy Payne. Judy talks about Knowledge Management today can mean anything from information management through to crowdsourcing But project management knowledge management still focuses on collecting knowledge, writing it down and adding it to lessons learn databases.  Judy asks is project management KM stuck in the 1990s? Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:09
It’s that time again.  For that one Monday in January we all say thank you to the facilitators of our communities during Community Manager Appreciation Day Please take a moment to say thank you to those who put all the hard work in behind the scene to keep the communities that you participate in going. It’s not often they get thanks.  And just one thank you makes such a big... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:39
Knowledge workers are often the core of your organisation. According to Thomas Davenport, “Knowledge workers have high degrees of expertise, education, or experience, and the primary purpose of their jobs involves the creation, distribution or application of knowledge.” Thinking for a Living: How to Get Better Performances And Results from Knowledge Workers. In a recent... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:20
Back on the 5th of December I was asked if I could do a little presentation about Knowledge Management in a Project and Programme Environment at the newly formed APM Knowledge SIG It was a personal story about where my original role as a Knowledge Co-ordinator came about to support projects and how things have changed from being project based to more programme based and how Communities of... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:10
  Last night I attended and hosted one of David Gurteen’s Knowledge Café. If you have not been to one, its well worth the evening and it’s free to attend. The facilitator for the session was Arthur Shelley who I met last year and became fascinated with his Organisational Zoo game There was some great conversation and here’s a copy of the Arthurs presentation that sparked the debate... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:21
  The Knowledge and Information Management for the Public Sector otherwise knows as (KIMPs) has always been more of a knowledge stewarding community.  With it’s large collection of knowledge sharing tools and techniques. We have been slowly building over the last few years what can only be described and loosely as a Public Sector Knowledge Sharing Toolkit, which takes... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:04
  I came across a great article from Martha Iring.  With more and more people just starting to use Google Analytics to view metrics from the groups on the Knowledge Hub.  This is quiet timely as Martha exaplins what you can do with it. Many of you will have Analytics set up. But do you ever use it? And I’m talking really using it, not just popping in to have a look at... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:42
I picked this up via David Gurteen who mentioned that Ankur Makhija of eClerx Services  have recently uploaded a few more KM mini-interviews to their YouTube channel. The latest are with Edward Rogers (CKO Of NASA) and include:  Most Common KM Mistakes Difference Between Organizational Learning and Knowledge Management Best Ways to Transfer Tacit Knowledge ... Voir plus
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