Entrées avec l'étiquette online communities .

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02 juin 2017 - 14:17
The concept of working out loud is a great one especially when you start to add online communities into the mix. As Dion Hinchcliffe, Author & Chief Strategy Officer points out “ "Working Out Loud, perhaps the most fundamental digital workplace skill" So what is working out loud? Working Out Loud is the practice of sharing work in progress with a relevant community to enable learning... Voir plus
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18 févr. 2015 - 09:31
You always know that a get-together has gone well when you get kicked out of the room and everyone is still in in-depth conversation as they are walking out of the room and still chatting in the corridor and lift. Yesterday (Tuesday 17th Feb) was our first face to face get together of Online Facilitators across the Knowledge Hub and a couple of guests. This will hopefully be the first of... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 13:02
Monday the 27th Jan is a normal day for most people unless you work in the community management environment. This year the 27th was a Monday and this meant it was Community Manager Appreciation Day It’s the 5th year this has run.  And each year it gets bigger and bigger.  Who would have thought that 5 years ago there would be a 24 hour Google Hangout talking about community... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:21
This is a nicelittle slidepack from Luis Suarez who's a Community Builder and Knowledge Manager.  Not the Liverpool centre forward. There's some great stuff in here and covers all the things that we have talked about and promoted in the Online Facilitators Community for the last 6 years.  Becoming a Jedi Master. The secret art of cultivating online communities Luis... Voir plus
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