
Health and housing guides provide roadmap for integrated working

Public Health England (PHE) and the Housing Learning & Improvement Network (Housing LIN) have published two practical resources aimed at improving services around housing and end of life care and on the built environment's role in promoting active ageing. The free documents are intended to build on a major undertaking by PHE, NHS England and its partners to improve integration and partnership working between health, social care and housing.

Active Ageing and the Built Environment opens new window

Cover HLIN PHE Practice Briefing Active AgeingResearch shows that older people with easy access to the outdoors and community facilities are more likely to be physically active and enjoy the health and social benefits that brings. Good built environments also reduce the risk of falls and can reduce health inequalities. 

This briefing is for people working in housing, public health, care and support. Drawing on the Housing LIN’s knowledge of the sector and with input from its network members, it looks at active ageing and the different aspects of the built environment that can promote and sustain it, with examples of good and emerging practice and resources for further information. It is intended for those working in social housing, local government, and the care and support sectors to understand their roles in developing and maintaining a built environment that contributes to active ageing.


End of Life Care: Helping people to be care for and die at home opens new window

Cover HLIN PHE Practice Briefing End of Life CareEnsuring that people nearing the end of life are cared for at home if that is their choice is the focus of this briefing. Research shows that most people prefer to die at home. Despite improvement over the last decade, nearly half (47%) of deaths in England occur in hospital. Older people and those on lower incomes and from ethnic minorities are less likely to die in their usual place of residence. It should help those working in specialist or mainstream housing and public health to work with local health organisations to support people to die in their usual place of residence.



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