
Active People Survey and Active People Interactive online tool

Sport England's Active People Interactive online tool enables users to interrogate the wealth of Active People Survey data that exists to build up a more detailed and specific picture of participation in the particular sport and/or geographical area of interest to them.

The Active People Survey is a fantastic resource for anyone involved in the development and delivery of sport. It provides a rich picture of adult sports participation in England going back to October 2005. The evidence it provides can be used to support strategic planning for sport down to local authority level. Active People is the largest survey of sports participation in Europe. Around 160,000 telephone interviews are carried out each survey year (500 per local authority in England). It's a survey of the English population aged 16 and over, with no upper age limit. If you want further details, have a look at the technical report on the research and insight pages of the Sport England website.

The local picture

The Active People Survey tracks the number of people taking part in sport at region, county sport partnership and local authority level. In addition to local information on who plays sport and how, Sport England have a number of tools to help paint a more detailed local picture:

  • The Local Sports Profile tool provides councils with a profile of up-to-date data for their local area, covering sports participation, facilities, health, economic and demographics, all in one place
  • The Active People Interactive tool enables quick and easy analysis of Active People Survey data, and includes data from 2005/6 up to the current survey wave. Users can interrogate the data by time period, geography, sport, and demographic groups.
  • The Active People Survey can accurately measure participation to local authority level, but the number of responses from smaller areas is too low to produce reliable figures. You can use our Small Area Estimates tool to find estimates of the numbers playing sport in smaller communities of at least 5,000 people (Super Output Areas), and generate local sports maps. For example, it can provide insight on how take-up varies within a local authority area.

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