
Event: Housing, health and an ageing population – innovations in local government

Housing, health and an ageing population – innovations in local government

Thursday 21 September 2017, London

An important event exploring with policy-makers and councils how the country can meet the housing need for older people, including hearing from councils who are leading innovations to increase the supply of homes that can be integrated with health and care services in ways that support positive ageing.

This event is an opportunity to hear from and discuss strategies for housing an ageing population with policy-makers and a range of councils innovating to increase the number of homes suitable for older people, and integrating housing with health and care. Older people live in a third of all homes and population ageing will account for around 60% of household growth with the highest levels of increase amongst those over 85 years. The suitability of the housing stock is of critical importance to the health of individuals and also impacts on public spending, particularly social care and the NHS. Councils are well placed to exercise leadership in taking a central role in shaping the current and future supply of housing in their areas, and in taking steps to integrate housing with health and care services.


See here for further information about this event

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