
Housing Health Cost Calculator

BRE's tool for a tool for calculating the health costs of hazards in homes, and the savings made where these have been mitigated or significantly reduced.

The Housing Health Cost Calculator (HHCC) is a tool for calculating the health costs of hazards in homes, and the savings made where these have been mitigated or significantly reduced. HHCC has been developed by BRE (Building Research Establishment) in partnership with RHE (

HHCC is one of a number of tools that BRE have developed to provide local authorities with the information they need to drive up public health standards and reduce costs. It details the cost savings to the NHS and wider society gained by both enforcement and  improvement strategies – and allows these to be authoritatively demonstrated.

To view the tool click on HHCC ( and follow the instructions provided.

BRE have also produced the Excess Cold Calculator (XCC), supporting Environmental Health Practitioners and Technical Officers in the assessment of Excess Cold in dwellings.


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