
Please circulate this invitation to Digital Maturity Assessment Workshops - Leeds (26 Jan) and London (30 Jan)

Please circulate the message below to colleagues within Local Authorities who are involved in adult social care market management/commissioning (with a request that they forward on to providers), or to any direct contacts within provider organisations that you think may be interested.

Invitation to Digital Maturity Assessment Workshops - Working towards a paper-free care sector

Do you have responsibility for digital working or the use of technology in your organisation? If the answer is YES then we would like to invite you to attend a workshop to explore digital needs specifically of organisations like yours in the private, voluntary and independent (PVI) care sector.

As you know, digital working in social care is becoming imperative to deliver high quality care with maximum efficiency. The purpose of the workshop is to explore what effective and increased use of digital technology might look like for your organisation and the PVI sector.

Skills for Care with Lasa (a social welfare law and tech charity) are working with the Local Government Association (LGA) to understand more about the barriers you face and what tools might help accelerate change in your organisation. Your insight is crucial to the success of this work.

We are very aware of the pressure on your time and as a token of thanks, workshop participants will receive a £75 high street voucher for attendance (vouchers will only be paid to those that attend on the day).

If you can not attend either of the workshops, but would be willing to be consulted over the telephone as part of this work, you will receive a £20 high street voucher. Please email us if you would like to do a telephone interview.

The workshops will take place in:

  • Leeds on 26 January from 11.00 – 15.00
  • London on 30 January from 11.00 – 15.00

To book a place, click on your preferred location and it will take you to the booking page.

Travel expenses

We are able to cover travel expenses for these events.

To request train tickets, please complete this form and return it to us as soon as possible.


If you feel that it would be more appropriate for someone else in your organisation to participate in this work please forward this invitation to them on our behalf. If you have any questions regarding the content of these workshops, please contact Diane Buddery, Project Manager – Policy at Skills for Care.

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