
Measurement for Improvement Community of Interest

Statistical Process Control Champions

A workspace to facilitate the sharing of tools, documents and useful resources related to measurement for improvement.

Samantha Riley, Head of Improvement Analytics at NHS Improvement has established a virtual group designed to bring together people from various fields who have an interest in measurement for improvement and Statistical Process Control (SPC). The intention is to support sharing of knowledge, experience and resources related to using data to improve services. By joining the group, there is also the opportunity to get involved with virtual discussions on key topics related to how the NHS can be supported to make better use of its data.

There are already a wealth of resources that have been uploaded to the site and some interesting discussion threads. Examples of the content which is already available to download include:

  • a range of templates including SPC, pareto charts and driver diagrams;

  • a range of published academic papers;

  • links to training materials on measurement for improvement;

  • guides on measurement for improvement

Over the coming weeks a programme of webinars focussing on different elements of measurement for improvement will be developed.

Nearly 350 people have already joined the group. Most members are working in the NHS in England – however there are also individuals from Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Australia, New Zealand and India!

Anyone who is interested in joining should email Samantha

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