
New data available on the Local Tobacco Control Profiles for England

New data has been added to the Local Tobacco Profiles for England. An update for February 2014 includes the latest data for the two smoking prevalence indicators (2012) and smoking status at the time of delivery (2012/13). More recent data are now available for lung and oral cancer incidence (2009-11), and deaths from lung cancer and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (2010-12). All data for these indicators have been revised and recalculated using the new 2013 European Standard Population.

The Local Tobacco Control Profiles for England provided by Public Health England provide a snapshot of the extent of tobacco use, tobacco related harm, and measures being taken to reduce this harm at a local level. These profiles have been designed to help local government and health services to assess the effect of tobacco use on their local populations. They will inform commissioning and planning decisions to tackle tobacco use and improve the health of local communities. The tool allows you to compare your local authority against other local authorities in the region and benchmark your local authority against the England average.

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Dear Philippa the London Clinical Senate and it's lay members plan work London wide on smoking . Would you be able o signpost me to relevant data sets? Also any work being done by London HWBBs? thank you very much nicola
Hi Nicola Data can be downloaded from the Local Tobacco Profiles - the data tab is on the right hand side. You may also find the Action on Smoking and Health resources useful. Information that the LGA published on Tackling Tobacco in 2012 included reference to some work at Tower Hamlets to highlight the dangers of shisha smoking. It's probably worth you using the knowledge hub to ask others if they are doing any work on smoking. Hope this helps Best wishes Philippa