
Regional events - Transfer of public health commissioning responsibilities for 0 to 5-year-olds

Transfer of public health commissioning responsibilities for 0 to 5-year-olds to local government: regional roadshows during September and October 2014.

On the 1st October 2015 the responsibility for commissioning public health services for 0 to 5-year-olds will transfer from NHS England to local authorities. The transfer marks the final part of the overall public health transfer. The LGA, Public Health England, NHS England and the Department of Health are working in partnership to deliver a series of regional events to support local authorities and Area Teams prepare for the transfer.

The events will share key messages about the programme including what milestones local areas can expect over the coming months. Events will provide delegates with the opportunity to ask questions, raise concerns and share learning about what they are doing locally. They will also help local partners to think about the opportunities that exist to transform and improve these services around the needs of local communities. Dates and locations are as follows:

  • South East: 10 September 2014 - Oxford
  • North East: 22 September 2014 – Newcastle
  • South West: 29 September 2014 – Bristol
  • East Midlands: 8 October 2014 – Loughborough
  • London: 9 October 2014
  • North West: 13 October 2014 – Liverpool
  • West Midlands: 16 October 2014 – Birmingham
  • Yorkshire and Humber: 20 October 2014 – York
  • East of England: 22 October 2014 – Cambridge

These events are being run for local authorities, NHS England and PHE staff, and are free to LGA members, NHS England and PHE. External organisations will be put on a waiting list and will be offered a place if spaces become available at a cost of £345.00. Please note that places may be limited to two per local authority/ Area Team/ Public Health England Centre and that priority will be given to LGA, PHE and NHS members. For further information and to book a place please see the LGA website.

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