Entrées avec l'étiquette healthy places .

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31 août 2017 - 12:52
TfL's Healthy Streets for London document introduces their approach to ensure people and their health are put at the centre of decision making. It sets out how to help everyone to use cars less and walk, cycle and use public transport more.
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17 août 2017 - 11:42
The Local Government Association and Design Council have worked in partnership for three years, with a shared vision to grow the public sector’s capacity to deliver efficient and effective public services, which improve people’s lives. The Design in the Public Sector programme focuses on applying design process and methods to tackle public health challenges with a focus on prevention. Voir plus
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04 juil. 2017 - 12:22
This month The Health Foundation are launching a new series of infographics and accompanying blogs and commentaries to describe and explain the social determinants of health in an accessible and engaging way. These determinants include political, social, economic, environmental and cultural factors which shape the conditions in which we are born, grow, live, work and age. Creating a... Voir plus
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04 juil. 2017 - 11:39
The Future drivers of the health of Londoners project was co-produced by Public Health England London and the Association of Directors of Public Health London, using new and agile methodologies to identify the key drivers that are expected to shape the future of health and the public health system in London over the next five years. The aim of the project was to facilitate discussions... Voir plus
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21 juin 2017 - 09:09
The Town and Country Planning Association (TCPA) is undertaking a survey to examine practical issues relevant to taking into account healthcare needs and infrastructure by Local Authorities in the (town and country) planning process (local plans and planning applications for new developments). This project forms part of the Association's Reuniting Health with Planning initiative.  ... Voir plus
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09 mai 2017 - 09:43
Personal perspectives on urban health and wellbeing - Insights on the assets and risks of urban environment, diversity and deprivation A new exploration of the lived experience of health in the London boroughs of Lambeth and Southwark Guy’s and St Thomas’ Charity commissioned Uscreates to produce fresh research – Personal perspectives on urban health and wellbeing – into the impact of living... Voir plus
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27 avr. 2017 - 23:03
Health matters is an information resource from Public Health England which includes infographics, videos, case studies and slide sets alongside written content. PHE have created this tool to bring together in one place the most informative data and the best evidence of what works in tackling major public health problems. The latest edition of Health Matters, a resource for local... Voir plus
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21 avr. 2017 - 12:10
We can all agree that where you live, how you live and the community you live in are linked to your wellbeing. Yet we have little evidence of the ways it can impact different aspects of wellbeing, including physical and mental health. To provide policy-makers, researchers and funders a better picture, the What Works Centre for Wellbeing commissioned a report of existing... Voir plus
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21 avr. 2017 - 11:47
Where We Live Now is a series of activities centred on the theme of place and place-based policymaking conducted by the British Academy. It incorporates analysis, events, a microsite, policy workshops, and case studies. This project was led by Dame Fiona Reynolds Hon FBA (Master, Emmanuel College, Cambridge) and Deborah Lamb (Deputy Chief Executive, Historic England), and was overseen by an... Voir plus
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09 janv. 2017 - 13:05
Eight out of 10 of the middle aged either weigh too much, drink too much or don’t exercise enough, as new analysis from Public Health England (PHE) published on 28 December 2016 shows modern life taking its toll on health. PHE’s One You campaign is reaching out to the 83% of 40 to 60 year olds (87% of men and 79% of women) who are either overweight or obese, exceed the Chief Medical Officer’s... Voir plus
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22 nov. 2016 - 14:40
Mobility is intrinsic to the quality of life experienced in cities. But for the past century, the car has dominated how we plan and grow our urban areas. We must now seize the opportunity to place people back at the heart of our cities and drive a human focused approach to the design of the built environment. With a growing desire to create more liveable streets, a light needs to be shone upon... Voir plus
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22 nov. 2016 - 14:29
The right home environment is essential to health and wellbeing, across the life course. This checklist, produced by Public Health England, helps people in the public health system to review local plans for health and wellbeing, to see whether they have considered and planned for the effect of homes and housing circumstances on health. The guidance accompanying this checklist provides... Voir plus
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25 oct. 2016 - 09:12
Resources to help local government improve local wellbeing and growth through its multiple functions, service areas and partnership working. These documents bring together the arguments for a Health in All Policies approach with a set of practical examples of implementation from the UK and around the world. They are aimed at local authority leaders, chief executives, other senior officers and... Voir plus
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25 oct. 2016 - 08:55
As the number of older people living in cities increases, there is growing recognition that cities need to become 'age-friendly' to help people remain independent and active as they age. This briefing, Creating age-friendly cities, from the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) examines how housing, outdoor spaces and transport can be made more age-friendly. Key points in this... Voir plus
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25 oct. 2016 - 08:50
A range of bodies, including Government agencies, have promoted the possible physical and mental health benefits of access to green space. This POSTnote, titled Green Space and Health, summarises the evidence for physical and mental health benefits from contact with nature, such as reducing rates of non-communicable diseases, and the challenges for urban green spaces. POST, The... Voir plus
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14 oct. 2016 - 08:47
The UK’s ageing population and its families are being failed by a flawed and fragmented health and social support regime, a wide-ranging report by the BMA warns. The report, Growing Older in the UK, pinpoints how the health and life chances of older people of this and future generations are harmed by holes in the safety net of health, social and other welfare services. Across six chapters... Voir plus
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10 oct. 2016 - 10:59
People in Swansea and the surrounding areas are being encouraged to find out more about an innovative research project designed to better understand the health of the nation. The largest project of its kind in Europe, HealthWise Wales is a confidential research study which aims to increase public involvement with research and develop an in-depth knowledge of the health of people living in... Voir plus
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27 sept. 2016 - 12:55
In England, half of all adults are not active enough to benefit their health. This means that they are at risk of developing serious illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Walking for Health is England’s largest network of health walks with over 400 active schemes, helping people across the country lead a more active lifestyle. Running with... Voir plus
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12 sept. 2016 - 16:20
Club Soda aims to use behaviour change theories and techniques to build tools that you can use to change people's relationship with alcohol. They work with experts from University College London to help improve the offer to you. Club Soda exists to help people to be happier and healthier by changing their drinking; whether they want to cut down, stop for a bit, quit or stick.... Voir plus
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06 sept. 2016 - 12:08
Doctors prescribing exercise outdoors would help tackle obesity, council chiefs say. The Local Government Association (LGA) has urged the Government to introduce ‘green prescriptions’ - note from the GP advising exercise. The scheme has been running in New Zealand since 1998 and surveys there revealed 72% of respondents noticed positive changes to their health and more than half (51%) felt... Voir plus
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