Entrées avec l'étiquette children and young people .

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15 déc. 2017 - 16:39
NHS Digital are undertaking this consultation to find out more about who uses the SDD survey and for what purposes, how useful the survey findings are, and any improvements that could be made. They would also like feedback on the outputs from the survey (e.g. the report, the tables and the dataset) and any ideas you may have to improve these. This information is important to ensure that... Voir plus
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18 janv. 2017 - 09:52
Thursday 23 February 2017 Developing sustainable social care budgets and services in London   Layden House, 76-86 Turnmill Street, London EC1M 5LG Free to attend for all councils. £345 for all other non-member organisations   This free half day event has been organised by the LGA, in partnership with the London Association of Directors of Adult Social Services (ADASS),... Voir plus
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25 oct. 2016 - 08:36
This toolkit, published by the Anna Freud National Centre for Children and Families aims to raise awareness amongst school and college staff of the range of validated tools that are available to help measure subjective mental wellbeing amongst the student population. This, in turn, will help school and college leaders make use of school and college level data to identify the mental wellbeing... Voir plus
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03 oct. 2016 - 16:37
The latest wave of the Government’s Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use Among Young People in England (SDD) is taking place in secondary schools across the country now.  The survey has run almost every year since 1982 and provides national statistics to help monitor trends in underage risky behaviour, monitor the impact of policy initiatives, and provide insight into what motivates young people... Voir plus
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30 juin 2016 - 13:19
This fifth edition of Health Matters, a resource to support professionals working to improve population health, focuses on giving every child the best start in life. This edition makes the case for investing in the early years and outlines how to support women, and their partners, from conception through to pregnancy and into parenthood. Read the new publication... Voir plus
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27 mai 2016 - 10:04
The Health and Social Care Information Centre’s (HSCIC) survey of Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People is a long standing, large scale survey of young people aged 11-15 years in secondary schools across England. The survey has been running since 1982 and collects information on: how many young people smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs attitudes and behaviour in relation to... Voir plus
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27 mai 2016 - 08:21
The Health and Social Care Information Centre recently ran a public consultation for the What About YOUth? (WAY) survey that ran for 6 weeks from 18 January 2016 and closed on 28 February 2016. The purpose of the consultation was to find out more about how useful the survey findings are, how the data are being used and to obtain views on the outputs from the... Voir plus
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18 avr. 2016 - 11:01
Children who live in poverty are more likely to be solitary and to fall out with friends or be bullied according to new analysis of age 11 sweep data from the Millennium Cohort Study, published by the National Children's Bureau. This study was commissioned by the Joseph Rowntree Foundation (JRF) and was delivered in partnership with the Centre for Longitudinal Studies (CLS) at the UCL... Voir plus
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18 avr. 2016 - 10:41
The Health Behaviours in Young People tool provides local authority level estimates for several topic areas, based on what 15 year olds themselves said about their attitudes to healthy lifestyles and risky behaviours (self-reported), including diet and physical activity, smoking, alcohol, use of drugs, bullying and wellbeing. For each topic area, the information is shown by gender, ethnicity,... Voir plus
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17 mars 2016 - 16:26
The Child Health Profiles 2016 presents data across 32 key health indicators of child health and wellbeing, and provide a snapshot of young people’s health by local authority and CCG in England. There is a four page profile for each local authority in England which includes a summary description of child health in the area which highlights key findings, and maps and charts showing how the... Voir plus
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20 janv. 2016 - 14:05
Health and Wellbeing of 15-year-olds in England – What About YOUth? (WAY): Public Consultation   The Health and Social Care Information Centre have launched the WAY consultation, it will run for 6 weeks and close on 28 February 2016. They are undertaking this consultation to find out more about how useful the survey findings are, how the data will be used and any improvements... Voir plus
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17 déc. 2015 - 13:15
The What About YOUth? 2014 survey provides valuable information on the health and wellbeing of teenagers and provides robust results at a Local Authority (LA) level. The results of the survey have now been published and can be found here - http://www.hscic.gov.uk/catalogue/PUB19244 along with a data tool published by Public Health England that allows you to explore and compare the... Voir plus
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02 déc. 2015 - 16:48
NatCen Social Research and the Office for National Statistics (ONS) have been commissioned by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) to carry out the Survey of the Mental Health of Children and Young People (MHCYP) 2016. This will be the first survey of children and young people to focus on their mental health since 2004. The survey will provide data on the prevalence of mental... Voir plus
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02 déc. 2015 - 16:20
The Department for Education have released their special educational needs (SEN) summary publication which gives an overview of the available data on SEN and a link to the external data sources.  This document provides a combination of analysis and links to the key data sources on children and young people with special educational needs (SEN). The format has been revised to make it... Voir plus
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26 nov. 2015 - 12:39
The Health and Social Care Information Centre recently ran a public consultation for the Smoking Drinking and Drug Use Survey Among Young People in England (SDD) survey that ran for 6 weeks and closed on 03 August 2015. They are currently reviewing the format and content of the SDD survey and consulted with potential users of the data. Users'... Voir plus
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19 oct. 2015 - 10:58
A guide to measuring the mental wellbeing of younger populations for public health commissioners - to support local joint strategic needs assessments (JSNAs) and the commissioning of interventions to improve the mental wellbeing of local children and young people. The guide explains about mental wellbeing and its determinants. The technical appendix has measures to quantify mental... Voir plus
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22 sept. 2015 - 15:51
Simply by growing up in a certain part of England a child under five is more likely to have poor health that will impact the rest of their lives The first five years of a child's life are critical to their future development. Poor Beginnings: Health Inequalities among young children across England, published by the National Children's Bureau, is based on official data published by Public... Voir plus
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22 sept. 2015 - 12:32
Public Health England (PHE), NHS England and NHS Right Care have launched the third and biggest NHS Atlas of Variation in Healthcare to help commissioners, service providers and health professionals deliver the best healthcare. Healthcare can vary in different ways: in its quality, safety, equity, outcomes, the money spent and the types of service used. Some variation is expected, often linked... Voir plus
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22 sept. 2015 - 11:51
The Health and Social Care Act 2012 sets out a responsibility for the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) to develop quality standards and guidelines for social care in England. All guidelines produced by NICE have a strong evidence base, drawing on existing guidance in each area. The standards take the form of concise sets of prioritised statements designed to drive... Voir plus
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18 août 2015 - 16:10
The Health & Social Care Information Centre have now published the smoking prevalence results from the What About YOUth? 2014 survey. The smoking prevalence findings needed for the Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) have also been published by Public Health England (PHE) on 4 August 2015 via their Fingertips tool on their website. WAY 2014 is the first survey to be conducted of its... Voir plus
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