Entrées avec l'étiquette dementia .

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31 août 2017 - 15:03
Across England there are more than 5,500 home care providers, collectively helping an estimated 673,000 people to continue living independently within their communities. Home care services help people live at home for longer by offering support, such as regular visits from a carer to help with personal care, getting dressed, using the toilet, shopping and preparing meals. Over the last year,... Voir plus
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31 juil. 2017 - 10:55
Technology has so much to offer people living with dementia and their carers: access to information, advice and entertainment, as well as reassurance for a carer who does not live near a loved one. Used sensitively and thoughtfully, technology enhances, rather than replaces human relationships and interactions.   Find out more and access examples in SCIE's new dementia and technology... Voir plus
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02 nov. 2016 - 10:01
National Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network: Updates and Developments New Products from Public Health England This is a copy of an e-mail for users who have shown an interest in keeping updated with the work of the NMHDNIN. If you would like to receive information directly from NMHDNIN or If you have any questions regarding any of the updates detailed below,... Voir plus
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25 oct. 2016 - 08:55
As the number of older people living in cities increases, there is growing recognition that cities need to become 'age-friendly' to help people remain independent and active as they age. This briefing, Creating age-friendly cities, from the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) examines how housing, outdoor spaces and transport can be made more age-friendly. Key points in this... Voir plus
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14 oct. 2016 - 08:57
"Most people say they would want to live at home for as long as possible if diagnosed with dementia.  And that’s mostly what happens. Two thirds of people with dementia live in the community, often with additional support from family, friends and professional carers. Help with finances, shopping or personal care may make all the difference. But what are the other ways to help people with... Voir plus
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31 août 2016 - 15:20
There are 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, and this is expected to increase to over 1 million by 2025*.  Not only is there is no cure, but we know much less than we would like about how to care for people with dementia. We need to learn faster. At the beginning of August 2016 Nesta launched Dementia Citizens, a platform that brings together researchers and those... Voir plus
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16 août 2016 - 17:53
A new dementia atlas, published by the government, shows NHS care for the condition across England. The atlas maps five themes of care - prevention, diagnosis, support, living with dementia and end of life care - using benchmarks for each. For example, every person living with dementia should have an annual check-up to review their care needs. Regional variation in population density and age... Voir plus
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01 sept. 2016 - 15:02
myageingparent.com has been set up by Alex Ingram and Deborah Stone. It is designed to help those looking after and supporting elderly relatives or friends to help them. Packed full of information, it is a proactive site, which helps you find the answers to all the questions you might have. Whether you need specific information on care options,  funding, or how to keep your older... Voir plus
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24 mars 2016 - 09:19
Public Health England (PHE) has published a new report which shows dementia is not an inevitable part of ageing but is, instead, linked to cardiovascular risk factors, such as smoking and physical inactivity. The report, entitled Health matters: midlife approaches to reduce dementia risk, is designed to help local authorities and health professionals identify the various factors that... Voir plus
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20 janv. 2016 - 14:35
Public Health England's National Mental Health, Dementia and Neurology Intelligence Network announce the launch of the dementia profile and data catalogue   The dementia profile gives commissioners, local decision makers and health professionals access to local data and intelligence across the whole pathway of dementia care; from prevalence and diagnosis through to end of life. It will... Voir plus
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22 sept. 2015 - 12:11
Dementia is a condition that is increasingly common; it can have a profound impact on an individual and their family and friends. Traditionally, the focus for dementia care has been NHS treatments and care services delivered by local councils. Recently there has been a shift to a focus on how we can enable people who have been diagnosed with dementia to live as full a life as possible and... Voir plus
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10 juin 2015 - 12:10
A new SCIE (Social Care Institute for Excellence) film takes an innovative approach to what it might feel like to live with dementia. It features the voice of a woman who has the condition, and the viewer gets a view of life from her perspective. Some of the things she sees are familiar, but, at other times, she becomes confused. For instance, at one point, the woman forgets that she’s... Voir plus
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19 mai 2015 - 16:53
 View the Alzheimer's Society infographic illustrating key dementia-related statistics from the Dementia 2014 report. Use the tabs at the top of the interactive infographic to explore the two parts - the impact of dementia and the scale of dementia. Alternatively view the information as text or view the full report. Voir plus
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