Entrées avec l'étiquette disability .

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31 août 2016 - 09:37
The Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG) is an integral part of the Better Care Fund, with £394 million allocated to the Grant; encouraging areas to think strategically about the use of home adaptations and technologies to support people to live independently at home, and to take a joined-up approach to improving outcomes across health, social care and housing. Over the last 25 years DFGs have... Voir plus
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30 juin 2016 - 13:58
The Family Resources Survey (FRS) is a continuous household survey which collects information on a representative sample of private households in the United Kingdom. Detailed information is recorded on respondents’ income from all sources; housing tenure; caring needs and responsibilities; disability; expenditure on housing; education; pension participation; childcare; family circumstances;... Voir plus
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