Entrées avec l'étiquette health and wellbeing data .

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27 avr. 2017 - 22:39
Following the publication of the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey in September 2016, NHS Digital undertook a consultation to obtain feedback from users on this work. A report outlining the consultation findings and their response has now been published on the NHS Digital website at the following link:... Voir plus
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15 mars 2017 - 14:18
This Wider Determinants of Health tool from Public Health England brings together local indicators and resources about the wider determinants of health. It is designed to draw attention to the broad range of individual, social and environmental factors which influence our health. It will provide the public health system with intelligence regarding the wider determinants of health to help... Voir plus
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28 nov. 2016 - 09:51
Additional training webinars being hosted on the 2nd December The Adult Social Care and Carers surveys collect robust data on the outcomes of individuals in receipt of social-care services and support. The government encourages local authorities to use this data to inform local performance improvement activities but recent evidence collected during the MAX project indicates that many... Voir plus
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31 oct. 2016 - 15:43
NHS Digital has launched a consultation exercise for the Adult Psychiatric Morbidity Survey (APMS), that will run for over 6 weeks and close on 30 December 2016. They are undertaking this consultation to find out more about who uses the survey and for what purposes, how useful the survey findings are, and any improvements that could be made. They would also like feedback on the outputs... Voir plus
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04 oct. 2016 - 11:25
Personal well-being in the UK: local authority update, 2015 to 2016 This publication from the Office for National Statistics (ONS) presents estimates of personal well-being for UK local authorities over the last 5 years. They have also for the first time published interactive tools which allow you to explore how personal well-being has changed in your area over the 5 year period, to... Voir plus
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06 sept. 2016 - 09:53
The 2016 Health Profiles were published on the 6th September.  The Health Profiles provide a snapshot of health and wellbeing for each local authority in England using a range of charts and text. They pull together existing information in one place and contain data on a range of indicators for local populations. Health Profiles are intended as ‘conversation starters’ to highlight local... Voir plus
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16 août 2016 - 17:53
A new dementia atlas, published by the government, shows NHS care for the condition across England. The atlas maps five themes of care - prevention, diagnosis, support, living with dementia and end of life care - using benchmarks for each. For example, every person living with dementia should have an annual check-up to review their care needs. Regional variation in population density and age... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2016 - 08:14
The Department of Health’s Transparency Team would like to invite you to a Workshop on Intelligent Transparency in Health and Social Care. This event will be held in two locations:   ·         London: Thursday 21st July, 14:00-15:30 at Richmond House, 79 Whitehall, London SW1A 2NS.   ·        ... Voir plus
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29 juin 2016 - 08:08
This useful interactive map from the King's Fund brings together case studies from across England and the rest of world, highlighting some of the places that are experimenting with and implementing new technologies to achieve better health outcomes or more efficient care. This map is not a comprehensive listing of all such projects – it is limited to a selection of case studies featured... Voir plus
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27 mai 2016 - 10:04
The Health and Social Care Information Centre’s (HSCIC) survey of Smoking, Drinking and Drug Use among Young People is a long standing, large scale survey of young people aged 11-15 years in secondary schools across England. The survey has been running since 1982 and collects information on: how many young people smoke, drink alcohol or take drugs attitudes and behaviour in relation to... Voir plus
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25 avr. 2016 - 08:52
On 5th April Public Health England launched a new ‘Fingertips’ tool which offers data on antibiotic prescribing across the UK. This allows healthcare professionals to see how their surgeries compare to others. The data itself has been published previously but it is now presented in an easy-to-use format. You can access data at GP, CCG and acute trust level. Voir plus
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25 avr. 2016 - 08:38
On 1st April, NHS Improvement launched a new Improvement Directory which gives users easy access to key improvement tools, resources and networks in one place. The directory is aimed at staff across health and social care. If you can think of other websites that would be useful to include, NHS Improvement wants to hear from you. Please use the feedback survey at the top of the page to suggest... Voir plus
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25 avr. 2016 - 08:29
New trading name and new Chair for HSCIC Two developments about HSCIC's future were announced by Life Sciences Minister George Freeman at the recent National Information Board Leadership Summit in London. He confirmed the organisation is to trade under the name of NHS Digital and use the descriptive strapline "Information and technology for better health and care." As it moves into the next... Voir plus
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18 avr. 2016 - 11:20
What is this consultation? The Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) publishes around 90 series of Official Statistics and National Statistics each year. Use of health and care statistics helps those involved to manage the system more effectively, commission better services, understand public health trends in more detail, develop new treatments and monitor the safety and... Voir plus
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18 avr. 2016 - 10:41
The Health Behaviours in Young People tool provides local authority level estimates for several topic areas, based on what 15 year olds themselves said about their attitudes to healthy lifestyles and risky behaviours (self-reported), including diet and physical activity, smoking, alcohol, use of drugs, bullying and wellbeing. For each topic area, the information is shown by gender, ethnicity,... Voir plus
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18 avr. 2016 - 10:24
The ONS has released a snapshot of life in the UK charting progress across 41 indicators of national wellbeing. Seventeen of the 41 indicators have improved over the last three years, 8 have deteriorated whilst 11 have stayed the same. It is notable however, that the improvements occurred for ‘objective’ measures such as unemployment and life expectancy whereas the picture is far less rosy for... Voir plus
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18 avr. 2016 - 10:00
What factors make older people more at risk of loneliness? And do people with similar risk levels live near each other? By analysing data from the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Age UK have determined the factors that people tend to have when they say they are lonely. Their report explains the details (or you can read a lay-language summary). The... Voir plus
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31 mars 2016 - 11:38
This helpful comparator report produced by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) analyses data from the Short and Long Term (SALT) Support data collection. This is the first year of the new SALT return, and many councils advised HSCIC of issues experienced with its implementation. Users should refer to the Data Quality statement in the SALT report for further details... Voir plus
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17 mars 2016 - 16:36
The Health and Social Care Information Centre Lifestyles Team recently carried out a user consultation on the four reports from the Statistics On … series which covers Obesity, Smoking, Alcohol and Drugs. The reports contain a mixture of new analysis from HES data as well as summarising information from other sources and including it in one report. Feedback was requested from users of these... Voir plus
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17 mars 2016 - 16:26
The Child Health Profiles 2016 presents data across 32 key health indicators of child health and wellbeing, and provide a snapshot of young people’s health by local authority and CCG in England. There is a four page profile for each local authority in England which includes a summary description of child health in the area which highlights key findings, and maps and charts showing how the... Voir plus
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