Entrées avec l'étiquette health information .

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24 nov. 2014 - 15:44
The Care Quality Commission has launched a publicly available online “intelligent monitoring” database, which lists the majority of national GP surgeries in terms of priority for inspection. The surgeries are ranked 1 to 6, with 1 representing an urgent need for inspection and 6 with little or no need for inspection. The database is not a ranking of best-to-worst for GP surgeries but gives... Voir plus
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23 sept. 2014 - 13:39
The Health and Social Care Information Centre is consulting to gather the high level requirements of stakeholders and users of data from the HSCIC. This is to help shape the technical solution and enable the delivery team to plan further customer input to secure data access.  As the national centre of excellence for health and social care data and information, the HSCIC is... Voir plus
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03 sept. 2014 - 13:05
Closing date - 12th September 2014. The Department of Health are consulting on refreshing the NHS Outcomes Framework for 2015-16. This consultation seeks views on how the NHS outcomes framework could be improved. The NHS outcomes framework measures performance in the health and care system and presents a national-level narrative on how the NHS in England is working. The Department of... Voir plus
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06 août 2014 - 09:39
A reminder that the Department of Health data sharing consultation closes this Friday 8th August. This consultation sets out proposals for new regulations to place strong controls around the disclosure of data which might potentially identify individuals by the Health and Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) and accredited safe havens. An earlier post provides details about the... Voir plus
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28 juil. 2014 - 15:28
Do you collect, present or use health and care data to assess how your organisation is doing? Or are you interested in viewing health and care data to understand how the NHS are delivering services? If so, the Department of Health is running a survey to gather feedback about the Patient Safety Hub. If you have a few minutes to spare your input would be greatly appreciated. Some new web... Voir plus
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:08
The Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG) is updating the Indices of Deprivation and have recently appointed Oxford Consultants for Social Inclusion (OCSI) to carry out the work. Before producing updated indices, DCLG intend to review existing deprivation indicators and statistical methods, and consider potential new data sources. The review will focus on refining,... Voir plus
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null 2014 vues
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12 juil. 2014 - 15:25
Through the Health and Wellbeing System Improvement Programme we are bringing together key comparative information on health and wellbeing, and the wider issues that affect it. This is to support health and wellbeing boards, public health professionals, councils, local people and voluntary organisations in their assessment of local needs and priorities, through benchmarking and monitoring... Voir plus
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