Entrées avec l'étiquette healthy lifestyle .

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02 juil. 2018 - 09:36
I saw this on the BBC News App and thought it would be useful to share. Simple steps that could help you live to 100   Naples in Florida is trying to help more of its residents live to 100 by adopting ways of life from parts of the world where people live the longest. This short film shows how they are are doing it. A film by Nick Holland for BBC World Hacks. Voir plus
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05 févr. 2018 - 14:47
Traditionally, alcohol consumption is measured using units: one pint of beer is worth two units, a standard glass of wine is just over two units, and a shot of average strength spirit is one unit. However, Public Health Liverpool has decided to focus on the calorie content of alcoholic drinks instead of units in an attempt to get people to ‘think differently and trigger a change in the... Voir plus
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12 sept. 2017 - 08:59
New analysis from PHE’s Heart Age Test shows many have a heightened risk of a potentially fatal heart attack or stroke. Analysis of 1.2 million test results shows the majority of people (64%) with a heart 10 years older than their actual age are male. Every month, 7,400 people die from heart disease or stroke. A quarter of deaths are of people under 75 and most of these can be... Voir plus
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31 août 2017 - 12:52
TfL's Healthy Streets for London document introduces their approach to ensure people and their health are put at the centre of decision making. It sets out how to help everyone to use cars less and walk, cycle and use public transport more.
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31 juil. 2017 - 09:29
Thrive is a digital toolkit and learning resource which offers practical steps and suggestions to support inactive people become active and improve their wellbeing. It is supported by a broad range of partners across Scotland and the UK, who have collaborated in its development and who all share a common goal of getting more people active. Who is Thrive for? It is for practitioners who... Voir plus
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04 juil. 2017 - 12:22
This month The Health Foundation are launching a new series of infographics and accompanying blogs and commentaries to describe and explain the social determinants of health in an accessible and engaging way. These determinants include political, social, economic, environmental and cultural factors which shape the conditions in which we are born, grow, live, work and age. Creating a... Voir plus
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04 juil. 2017 - 11:39
The Future drivers of the health of Londoners project was co-produced by Public Health England London and the Association of Directors of Public Health London, using new and agile methodologies to identify the key drivers that are expected to shape the future of health and the public health system in London over the next five years. The aim of the project was to facilitate discussions... Voir plus
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27 avr. 2017 - 23:03
Health matters is an information resource from Public Health England which includes infographics, videos, case studies and slide sets alongside written content. PHE have created this tool to bring together in one place the most informative data and the best evidence of what works in tackling major public health problems. The latest edition of Health Matters, a resource for local... Voir plus
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09 janv. 2017 - 13:05
Eight out of 10 of the middle aged either weigh too much, drink too much or don’t exercise enough, as new analysis from Public Health England (PHE) published on 28 December 2016 shows modern life taking its toll on health. PHE’s One You campaign is reaching out to the 83% of 40 to 60 year olds (87% of men and 79% of women) who are either overweight or obese, exceed the Chief Medical Officer’s... Voir plus
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21 déc. 2016 - 11:31
Most parents of overweight children in England think their weight is about right, raising fears obesity has been normalised. (Article published 14th December 2016, Guardian online). The vast majority of parents of overweight children in England do not recognise the fact, the annual Health Survey for England 2015 has found, raising fears that high levels of obesity have normalised... Voir plus
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22 nov. 2016 - 14:40
Mobility is intrinsic to the quality of life experienced in cities. But for the past century, the car has dominated how we plan and grow our urban areas. We must now seize the opportunity to place people back at the heart of our cities and drive a human focused approach to the design of the built environment. With a growing desire to create more liveable streets, a light needs to be shone upon... Voir plus
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25 oct. 2016 - 08:50
A range of bodies, including Government agencies, have promoted the possible physical and mental health benefits of access to green space. This POSTnote, titled Green Space and Health, summarises the evidence for physical and mental health benefits from contact with nature, such as reducing rates of non-communicable diseases, and the challenges for urban green spaces. POST, The... Voir plus
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10 oct. 2016 - 10:59
People in Swansea and the surrounding areas are being encouraged to find out more about an innovative research project designed to better understand the health of the nation. The largest project of its kind in Europe, HealthWise Wales is a confidential research study which aims to increase public involvement with research and develop an in-depth knowledge of the health of people living in... Voir plus
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04 oct. 2016 - 10:23
This model, produced by Public Health England and the National Cardiovascular Intelligence Network, estimates the total number  of adults with both Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes in England. The data shows that whilst 3.8 million people are estimated to have diabetes, approximately 90 per cent of diabetes cases are Type 2.   To help visualise local diabetes prevelance over time and... Voir plus
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27 sept. 2016 - 12:55
In England, half of all adults are not active enough to benefit their health. This means that they are at risk of developing serious illnesses such as diabetes, heart disease and cancer. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Walking for Health is England’s largest network of health walks with over 400 active schemes, helping people across the country lead a more active lifestyle. Running with... Voir plus
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12 sept. 2016 - 16:20
Club Soda aims to use behaviour change theories and techniques to build tools that you can use to change people's relationship with alcohol. They work with experts from University College London to help improve the offer to you. Club Soda exists to help people to be happier and healthier by changing their drinking; whether they want to cut down, stop for a bit, quit or stick.... Voir plus
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06 sept. 2016 - 12:08
Doctors prescribing exercise outdoors would help tackle obesity, council chiefs say. The Local Government Association (LGA) has urged the Government to introduce ‘green prescriptions’ - note from the GP advising exercise. The scheme has been running in New Zealand since 1998 and surveys there revealed 72% of respondents noticed positive changes to their health and more than half (51%) felt... Voir plus
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04 août 2016 - 09:17
The Department for |Transport have released a report which reveals that there has been a statistically significant increase in the percentage of people walking frequently in England.  Published on 12 July 2016, the report show that 50.6% of people walked at five times a week, up 6.9% from 2012. Figures also reveal that there has been no statistically significant change in reported... Voir plus
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04 août 2016 - 08:58
Included in a recent episode (3/8/2016) of the Digital Human on BBC Radio 4 I heard this intriguing interview with Dr. Kjeld van Bommel speaking about the PERFORMANCE project, talking about opportunities for the care of the elderly and patients who are unable to chew, using 3D printing technology. Within the PERFORMANCE project, funded by the EU, they are working on the... Voir plus
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02 août 2016 - 09:00
Risk of dying increases among desk-based workers who sit for eight hours and do low amounts of exercise, new research finds - link to Guardian article At least an hour of physical activity a day may be required to offset  for eight hours, according to the latest study to highlight the perils of a sedentary lifestyle. The World Health Organisation (WHO) guideline, adopted by... Voir plus
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