Entrées avec l'étiquette healthy lives healthy people .

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07 sept. 2018 - 10:34
The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK. The Healthy Lives team have an ambitious strategy to improve the public’s health through action on the wider determinants of health. They are currently recruiting for two analysts to support a programme of work that will increase awareness of the extent of health... Voir plus
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02 juil. 2018 - 09:36
I saw this on the BBC News App and thought it would be useful to share. Simple steps that could help you live to 100   Naples in Florida is trying to help more of its residents live to 100 by adopting ways of life from parts of the world where people live the longest. This short film shows how they are are doing it. A film by Nick Holland for BBC World Hacks. Voir plus
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05 févr. 2018 - 14:47
Traditionally, alcohol consumption is measured using units: one pint of beer is worth two units, a standard glass of wine is just over two units, and a shot of average strength spirit is one unit. However, Public Health Liverpool has decided to focus on the calorie content of alcoholic drinks instead of units in an attempt to get people to ‘think differently and trigger a change in the... Voir plus
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