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06 mars 2020 - 10:35
Update on DHSC's Adult Social Care Client Level Data Project
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19 août 2019 - 08:47
The government's Loneliness Strategy was published in October 2018. It set out a wide variety of cross-departmental measures that the government would take to provide 'national leadership' to tackle loneliness in England. This briefing explains the strategy; considers the steps taken so far by the government; looks at research ... Voir plus
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16 mai 2019 - 16:05
The Adult Social Care Statistics team at NHS Digital are currently seeking to recruit a number of secondees from local authorities. The aim is to draw on their experience of working with a range of adult social care data, to improve our understanding of the uses and flows of data within the sector. The purpose of these roles will be to: provide expert guidance and insight about the... Voir plus
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25 janv. 2019 - 13:20
The Public Health Outcomes Framework (PHOF) was established in 2012 and its indicators are reviewed every 3 years. Public Health England (PHE) is planning to update the PHOF in the summer 2019, to ensure that it continues to be relevant and meets the needs of users. This proposal document is divided into 6 themes with indicators that will: remain the same remain but will have a change to... Voir plus
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20 déc. 2018 - 14:53
Are you interested in promoting the use of research and intelligence in children’s and adults’ social care? If the answer to this is yes, you may be interested in a new social care special interest group, which exists to do just that. The group is part of the Local Area Research and Intelligence Association (LARIA), and continues the work of the Social Services Research Group and is called... Voir plus
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22 oct. 2018 - 13:06
This interactive dashboard from Skills for Care contains the latest information (2017/18) as published in the “State of the adult social care sector and workforce report”.  By clicking on and moving around the maps you can discover over 18 characteristics about the adult social care workforce for each local authority area in England. You can compare two local authorities with each... Voir plus
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01 oct. 2018 - 09:53
Statistical bulletin: Personal well-being in the UK: April 2017 to March 2018 Estimates of life satisfaction, feeling that the things done in life are worthwhile, happiness and anxiety at the UK, country, regional and local authority level. This latest publication identifies how factors such as health, access to services and crime levels may affect how people rate their well-being in... Voir plus
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07 sept. 2018 - 10:34
The Health Foundation is an independent charity committed to bringing about better health and health care for people in the UK. The Healthy Lives team have an ambitious strategy to improve the public’s health through action on the wider determinants of health. They are currently recruiting for two analysts to support a programme of work that will increase awareness of the extent of health... Voir plus
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03 sept. 2018 - 11:03
Public Health England are conducting a survey to help inform the Local Health tool update and ensure Local Health indicators continue to be relevant to users. Please find the link to the short survey here. This should only take you about 5 minutes.  
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31 juil. 2018 - 09:00
Masters students at Leeds University Business School are conducting a project to investigate the SALT (Short term and Long term Support) and ASC-FR (Adult Social Care Financial Return) data collection in Adult Social Care. The purpose of this survey is to understand local authorities' experience in using SALT and ASC-FR guidance to collate and submit their data return. This survey has 14... Voir plus
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11 juin 2018 - 09:08
As the monthly situation report on delayed transfers has moved to NHS Digital’s Strategic Data Collection Service platform, local authorities (LAs) will more easily be able to access data pre-publication, as it does not require an NHS.net connection. This should aid earlier validation of the submitted data and, hopefully, reduce disputes. If your local authority requires access to the NHS... Voir plus
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15 déc. 2017 - 16:39
NHS Digital are undertaking this consultation to find out more about who uses the SDD survey and for what purposes, how useful the survey findings are, and any improvements that could be made. They would also like feedback on the outputs from the survey (e.g. the report, the tables and the dataset) and any ideas you may have to improve these. This information is important to ensure that... Voir plus
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15 nov. 2017 - 11:09
The November issue of the Health & Care Knowledge Update form ONS is now available. The latest edition has links to new releases of data including child obesity statistics from the National Child Measurement Programme, and the Personal Social Services Adult Social Care Survey. To subscribe to the monthly update please contact ONS here. Other things to note: The UK Statistics... Voir plus
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15 nov. 2017 - 11:10
The content of Public Health England's Health Profiles are reviewed annually to ensure that the indicators included are relevant and present a comprehensive overview of health at a local level. PHE are currently running a survey to canvas views from users to help shape the 2018 Health Profile pdf. The questions are focused on suggested changes to the indicators within the 2018... Voir plus
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05 sept. 2017 - 13:26
A workspace to facilitate the sharing of tools, documents and useful resources related to measurement for improvement. Samantha Riley, Head of Improvement Analytics at NHS Improvement has established a virtual group designed to bring together people from various fields who have an interest in measurement for improvement and Statistical Process Control (SPC). The intention is to support... Voir plus
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31 août 2017 - 15:09
The toolkit has been in development since 2016 and its release signals the network’s intent to support the development of mental health and wellbeing joint strategic needs assessments (JSNAs). It has been developed for those seeking to understand the breadth and complexity of mental health issues in their area, such as JSNA and mental health leads in local authorities and clinical... Voir plus
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25 juil. 2017 - 15:22
NHS Digital (previously HSCIC) provides national information, data and IT systems for health and care services. It is currently working on a project to make access to statistical publications and clinical indicators easier. If you have an interest in using health and care data and are interested in supporting this work by helping to test a prototype for the service, please contact User... Voir plus
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04 juil. 2017 - 15:38
The 2017 Health Profiles have been published by Public Health England The Health Profiles provide a snapshot of health and wellbeing for each local authority in England using a range of charts and text. They pull together existing information in one place and contain data on a range of indicators for local populations. Health Profiles are intended as ‘conversation starters’ to highlight local... Voir plus
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09 mai 2017 - 09:02
Adult social care outcomes framework - interactive comparison tools for local authorities This interactive report produced by NHS Digital enables local authorities to view their 2015-16 data alongside England, regional and council type averages. The Peer Group sheet also enables comparison alongside 15 comparable councils. It is built on the CSV file which can be found with the ASCOF... Voir plus
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03 mai 2017 - 10:09
Talking data like a pro: A plain English guide to data analytics Like any area of tech (or any specialised discipline for that matter), data analytics is rife with jargon. This makes it more difficult or even intimidating for non-specialists to approach the topic. NESTA have developed a short 'jargon buster' on 15 essential terms and concepts to aid your understanding and discussions... Voir plus
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