Entrées avec l'étiquette older people .

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25 juil. 2017 - 14:12
Silver Sunday is an annual day of fun and free activities for older people across the UK. Led by The Sir Simon Milton Foundation, it celebrates the value and knowledge they contribute to our communities while combating loneliness and isolation. Everyone can get involved, whether that’s organising an event, spreading the word, or simply attending an activity. The next Silver Sunday is on 1... Voir plus
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11 juil. 2017 - 08:20
Housing, health and an ageing population – innovations in local government Thursday 21 September 2017, London An important event exploring with policy-makers and councils how the country can meet the housing need for older people, including hearing from councils who are leading innovations to increase the supply of homes that can be integrated with health and care services in ways that... Voir plus
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11 janv. 2017 - 15:17
There is growing recognition that loneliness is a serious problem, with far reaching implications, not just for individuals, but also for wider communities, which merits the attention of local authorities. Whilst in the past, loneliness was sometimes viewed as a trivial matter, it is increasingly understood to be a serious condition which can affect a person’s mental and physical health very... Voir plus
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29 nov. 2016 - 10:24
As the latest excess winter deaths statistics are set to be released this week, Age UK is urging older people and their families to seek advice about protecting themselves from winter related illnesses. Britain has one of the worst winter death rates in Europe, even compared to much colder countries Older people are particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures which often leads to serious... Voir plus
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23 nov. 2016 - 15:41
What music and singing interventions work to improve wellbeing of adults? This research from the What Works Centre for Wellbeing looks at all the available evidence to support better decision-making. Participatory music or singing interventions including listening and performing. This includes music therapy offered to enhance wellbeing but... Voir plus
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25 oct. 2016 - 08:55
As the number of older people living in cities increases, there is growing recognition that cities need to become 'age-friendly' to help people remain independent and active as they age. This briefing, Creating age-friendly cities, from the Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) examines how housing, outdoor spaces and transport can be made more age-friendly. Key points in this... Voir plus
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14 oct. 2016 - 09:33
Public Health England commissioned Care and Repair England to produce a series of briefings to inform the local integration of home adaptations into commissioning for better health and wellbeing outcomes.  Disabled facilities grant funding via better care funds – an opportunity to improve outcomes Home adaptations, integration and the care act Innovation in home adaptations – a... Voir plus
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14 oct. 2016 - 08:57
"Most people say they would want to live at home for as long as possible if diagnosed with dementia.  And that’s mostly what happens. Two thirds of people with dementia live in the community, often with additional support from family, friends and professional carers. Help with finances, shopping or personal care may make all the difference. But what are the other ways to help people with... Voir plus
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14 oct. 2016 - 08:47
The UK’s ageing population and its families are being failed by a flawed and fragmented health and social support regime, a wide-ranging report by the BMA warns. The report, Growing Older in the UK, pinpoints how the health and life chances of older people of this and future generations are harmed by holes in the safety net of health, social and other welfare services. Across six chapters... Voir plus
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29 sept. 2016 - 15:01
This report, published jointly by the Nuffield Trust with The King's Fund, looks at the current state of social care services for older people in England, through a combination of national data and interviews with local authorities, NHS and private providers, Healthwatch and other groups. It considers the impact of cuts in local authority spending on social care providers and on older people,... Voir plus
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16 août 2016 - 17:53
A new dementia atlas, published by the government, shows NHS care for the condition across England. The atlas maps five themes of care - prevention, diagnosis, support, living with dementia and end of life care - using benchmarks for each. For example, every person living with dementia should have an annual check-up to review their care needs. Regional variation in population density and age... Voir plus
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01 sept. 2016 - 15:02
myageingparent.com has been set up by Alex Ingram and Deborah Stone. It is designed to help those looking after and supporting elderly relatives or friends to help them. Packed full of information, it is a proactive site, which helps you find the answers to all the questions you might have. Whether you need specific information on care options,  funding, or how to keep your older... Voir plus
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04 août 2016 - 08:58
Included in a recent episode (3/8/2016) of the Digital Human on BBC Radio 4 I heard this intriguing interview with Dr. Kjeld van Bommel speaking about the PERFORMANCE project, talking about opportunities for the care of the elderly and patients who are unable to chew, using 3D printing technology. Within the PERFORMANCE project, funded by the EU, they are working on the... Voir plus
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27 mai 2016 - 09:02
On 18 May, the LGA published a new report on ‘social prescribing’. This is a useful resource on how councils can more effectively connect people with local community services and activities in order to improve the health and wellbeing of their population. The report can be downloaded at: http://www.local.gov.uk/web/guest/publications/-/journal_content/56/10180/7825223/PUBLICATION The... Voir plus
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23 mai 2016 - 10:23
The Hospital to Home project was designed to identify and improve care pathways from hospital to home in the Tayside region of Scotland. The Institute for Research and Innovation in Social Services (IRISS) worked with health and social care practitioners and people with experience of the pathway to identify issues to be addressed. This evaluation report concerns the final aim of the project: to... Voir plus
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18 avr. 2016 - 10:00
What factors make older people more at risk of loneliness? And do people with similar risk levels live near each other? By analysing data from the English Longitudinal Study on Ageing, Age UK have determined the factors that people tend to have when they say they are lonely. Their report explains the details (or you can read a lay-language summary). The... Voir plus
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24 mars 2016 - 09:19
Public Health England (PHE) has published a new report which shows dementia is not an inevitable part of ageing but is, instead, linked to cardiovascular risk factors, such as smoking and physical inactivity. The report, entitled Health matters: midlife approaches to reduce dementia risk, is designed to help local authorities and health professionals identify the various factors that... Voir plus
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17 mars 2016 - 16:46
Public Health England (PHE) and the Housing Learning & Improvement Network (Housing LIN) have published two practical resources aimed at improving services around housing and end of life care and on the built environment's role in promoting active ageing. The free documents are intended to build on a major undertaking by PHE, NHS England and its partners to improve integration and... Voir plus
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26 janv. 2016 - 14:55
The Spring Chicken campaign was started two years ago because it was found that the products and services that helped older people live better, fitter and happier lives were difficult to find, dispiriting and generally sad. "We have spent the last two years trying to solve the tangible problems that come with getting older, but when we did this survey we discovered a much more... Voir plus
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22 sept. 2015 - 12:32
Public Health England (PHE), NHS England and NHS Right Care have launched the third and biggest NHS Atlas of Variation in Healthcare to help commissioners, service providers and health professionals deliver the best healthcare. Healthcare can vary in different ways: in its quality, safety, equity, outcomes, the money spent and the types of service used. Some variation is expected, often linked... Voir plus
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