Entrées avec l'étiquette technology and social care .

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22 févr. 2017 - 14:14
A local investment programme run by the Care & Health Improvement Programme at the LGA, in partnership with NHS Digital, is inviting councils to bid for one-off funding of up to £50,000 for projects (to be delivered during 2017/18) that seek to use information and technology to improve adult social care outcomes and deliver financial savings.   Please complete an... Voir plus
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31 août 2016 - 15:20
There are 850,000 people with dementia in the UK, and this is expected to increase to over 1 million by 2025*.  Not only is there is no cure, but we know much less than we would like about how to care for people with dementia. We need to learn faster. At the beginning of August 2016 Nesta launched Dementia Citizens, a platform that brings together researchers and those... Voir plus
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01 sept. 2016 - 15:02
myageingparent.com has been set up by Alex Ingram and Deborah Stone. It is designed to help those looking after and supporting elderly relatives or friends to help them. Packed full of information, it is a proactive site, which helps you find the answers to all the questions you might have. Whether you need specific information on care options,  funding, or how to keep your older... Voir plus
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04 août 2016 - 08:58
Included in a recent episode (3/8/2016) of the Digital Human on BBC Radio 4 I heard this intriguing interview with Dr. Kjeld van Bommel speaking about the PERFORMANCE project, talking about opportunities for the care of the elderly and patients who are unable to chew, using 3D printing technology. Within the PERFORMANCE project, funded by the EU, they are working on the... Voir plus
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10 juin 2015 - 12:33
Caring remotely using technology Keith Spink, senior digital developer at the Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) looks after his Dad, often remotely, using technology. This may sound challenging, but Keith attests technology has given his father a better quality of life, greater independence and provided him with peace of mind - as he explains in this social care blog (10 June... Voir plus
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