Entrées avec l'étiquette winter pressures .

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29 nov. 2016 - 10:24
As the latest excess winter deaths statistics are set to be released this week, Age UK is urging older people and their families to seek advice about protecting themselves from winter related illnesses. Britain has one of the worst winter death rates in Europe, even compared to much colder countries Older people are particularly vulnerable to cold temperatures which often leads to serious... Voir plus
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14 oct. 2016 - 08:47
The UK’s ageing population and its families are being failed by a flawed and fragmented health and social support regime, a wide-ranging report by the BMA warns. The report, Growing Older in the UK, pinpoints how the health and life chances of older people of this and future generations are harmed by holes in the safety net of health, social and other welfare services. Across six chapters... Voir plus
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02 déc. 2015 - 15:48
NHS England and partners have published a series of quick guides to support local health and care systems. The guides provide practical tips, case studies and links to useful documents, which can be used to implement solutions to commonly experienced issues, and to inform the management of upcoming winter pressures and plan for 2016 and beyond. The guides cover the following topics (in... Voir plus
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02 juil. 2015 - 12:16
Working on a mobile device? Good news! LG Inform is now available on your tablet, which will help make accessing information and reports easier than ever, wherever you are. Simply load up the LG Inform website on your tablet and you'll be instantly viewing the brand new version. It's compatible with Android, Windows and iOS, meaning it'll work perfectly on your Google Nexus, Microsoft Surface... Voir plus
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09 févr. 2015 - 09:44
LG Inform presents you with up-to-date published data about your local area and council, to help you review and compare performance with other authorities. All local authority staff can register and use the LG Inform report writing tools. All published measures in LG Inform can be viewed without signing in, as can some published reports. These include a report on all measures in the Adult... Voir plus
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28 janv. 2015 - 10:35
In a comment piece in the Guardian, Matthew Bryant, the director of operations at Taunton and Somerset NHS Foundations Trust discusses A&E waiting times. He writes: “The key is to use data to plan and organise services in a more effective way.” Guardian Online includes a round-up of responses to Ed Miliband’s 10-year plan for the NHS while the Guardian’s leader looks at Labour health... Voir plus
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