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02 déc. 2015 - 16:20
The Department for Education have released their special educational needs (SEN) summary publication which gives an overview of the available data on SEN and a link to the external data sources.  This document provides a combination of analysis and links to the key data sources on children and young people with special educational needs (SEN). The format has been revised to make it... Voir plus
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02 déc. 2015 - 16:12
This report by Grant Thornton UK LLP's Place Analytics team examines how collaboration between local authority stakeholders can help address health quality determinants (social, economic and environmental) and result in improved health outcomes (quality of lifestyle and health conditions). The report is based on league tables that assess 33 key health determinants and outcomes at... Voir plus
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02 déc. 2015 - 15:55
District councils have a key role to play in keeping us healthy. They have a distinct, local role in service provision, economic development, planning, and helping to shape and support their communities – all key areas that are increasingly recognised as vital components of a true population health system. This report aims to highlight these roles and help district councils play their full part... Voir plus
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02 déc. 2015 - 15:48
NHS England and partners have published a series of quick guides to support local health and care systems. The guides provide practical tips, case studies and links to useful documents, which can be used to implement solutions to commonly experienced issues, and to inform the management of upcoming winter pressures and plan for 2016 and beyond. The guides cover the following topics (in... Voir plus
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02 déc. 2015 - 15:36
This infographic from Monitor provides a picture of the findings of their research into increased waiting times in A&E, during October-December 2014/15 Their detailed report shows that the target 4-hour emergency care indicator is a measure of the performance of the whole health and care system, not just emergency care departments; the findings show that across England the rest... Voir plus
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02 déc. 2015 - 15:17
What’s new on My NHS? MyNHS launched a new home page on 29 October You can now search using your postcode to find information about health and care services in your area. They have developed new, easy to understand icons to allow you to jump straight to the data you need. You can see at a glance how services compare with each other. You can search for data on different services... Voir plus
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02 déc. 2015 - 15:03
The Health and Social Care Information Centre produce a guide, aimed at journalists but useful for anyone with an interest in health and care, identifying and signposting the information sources for a wide range of topics relating to health and social care information in England. The HSCIC produces over 220 national statistical publications per year, covering topics in health, technology... Voir plus
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26 nov. 2015 - 12:39
The Health and Social Care Information Centre recently ran a public consultation for the Smoking Drinking and Drug Use Survey Among Young People in England (SDD) survey that ran for 6 weeks and closed on 03 August 2015. They are currently reviewing the format and content of the SDD survey and consulted with potential users of the data. Users'... Voir plus
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25 nov. 2015 - 15:57
Guardian online article - How can public services show prevention really is better than cure? The old adage “prevention is better than cure” belies the fact that we spend vastly more public money on cure than on prevention. Yet the evidence suggests that if the government invested more in prevention, public services would be much more cost-effective and quality of life would improve too. This... Voir plus
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19 oct. 2015 - 11:21
The NIHR (National Institute for Health Research) Public Health Research (PHR) Programme has funding available to evaluate local-level alcohol interventions. To find out more and to apply, visit NIHR's commissioned funding page. NIHR are seeking research applications to formally evaluate local authority and local non-NHS organisations’ alcohol interventions. Local communities,... Voir plus
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19 oct. 2015 - 10:58
A guide to measuring the mental wellbeing of younger populations for public health commissioners - to support local joint strategic needs assessments (JSNAs) and the commissioning of interventions to improve the mental wellbeing of local children and young people. The guide explains about mental wellbeing and its determinants. The technical appendix has measures to quantify mental... Voir plus
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09 nov. 2015 - 09:44
Guardian network article - Monday 5th October Brighton and Hove is addressing its sweet tooth by becoming the first British city to introduce a voluntary “sugar tax”. The local council is calling on food and drink shops to impose a 10p surcharge on all sugary soft beverages, with the proceeds to be put into a children’s health and food education trust. Schools across the city are joining... Voir plus
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19 oct. 2015 - 10:20
This briefing, published by the National LGB&T Partnership and Public Health England, discusses early interventions to reduce alcohol related harm for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGB&T) people. It is aimed at anyone working in health and care settings who have contact with LGB&T people; at staff and volunteers working in LGB&T organisations; and at those who... Voir plus
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19 oct. 2015 - 10:27
The Local Government Association (LGA) has joined forces with the Royal Society for Public Health (RSPH) to deliver training that enables elected members to champion health improvement in their communities. The transition of public health into local government has been one of the most significant changes for local councils in recent years, which has in turn created an opportunity for them to... Voir plus
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19 oct. 2015 - 09:41
Public Health England (PHE) and the Health & Social Care Information Centre (HSCIC) have worked together to develop a new hospital activity data extract service which is now available to support the work of LA public health teams. The Hospital Episode Statistics (HES) provide a wealth of information on disease incidence, prevalence, treatment and outcomes. HES can be used to: inform the... Voir plus
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30 sept. 2015 - 10:33
To mark the start of Stoptober, an infographic poster containing the latest HSCIC statistics on smoking has been published. Campaign resources are available here. Voir plus
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29 sept. 2015 - 08:22
Neets often get a raw deal, forced to do short, low-level courses. But one council is having success with a new social care training scheme (Guardian Careers Network article) Hertfordshire County Council is running a scheme to train young people in health and social care. Hertfordshire’s Health and Social Care Trainee Programme to attract Neets into health and social care aims to offer... Voir plus
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24 sept. 2015 - 10:26
Public Health England (PHE) has published a series of resources to help local authorities address health inequalities at local level. Resources include 4 new ‘Practice Resource’ papers and a series of written and video stories which encourage local action on health inequalities. They provide councils and local partners with evidence and examples of approaches that can be taken to reduce... Voir plus
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23 sept. 2015 - 15:31
It is alarmingly easy for those of us working with technology to forget that there is a world out there for whom clouds are in the sky. Article from LocalGov online (23rd September 2015) The fact is, outside of our rarefied technological atmosphere, in the UK around 11% of the adults have still never been online and this increases to 61% for those over 75 years old – that’s nearly nine... Voir plus
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23 sept. 2015 - 15:31
Article on developments with data on emergency care from the Guardian Healthcare Network. A&E attendance has reached record levels – but commissioners and providers don’t know enough about this surge in demand to properly plan and fund services. Digitisation of healthcare is moving apace but when our hospitals capture information about emergency care, they rely on a dataset developed in... Voir plus
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