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CIL phasing in a Full application

Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

CIL phasing in a Full application

Hi. Has anyone phased a development for CIL purposes in a FULL application by use of pre-commencement conditions? (Reg 8)

If so, can you provide me with an example (a case application reference & point me to your website applications portal)!?



Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: CIL phasing in a Full application

Hi Helen,

I don't think that you can actually do what you are suggesting. The definition of "phased planning permission" in the Regs. says that it must expressly provide for the development to be carried out in phases. i would say that leaving the phasing details to be agreed later via a pre-commencement condition is not an express provision.

Former Member, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: CIL phasing in a Full application

I wasn’t suggesting the phasing details would be agreed later – the principle of phased delivery must be apparent from the planning permission.  I'm really asking how we can confirm the phasing through a full approval, for CIL purposes. Rebecca's suggestion seems logical. We had also wondered whether we could hang each phase on a pre-commencement condition like "no work shall take place on Phase 2 until...', which may also then mean we could calculate the charge for each phase at the point at which that condition was discharged and so account for inflation changes during the phases of the development's build. But i'm not sure this would be appropriate.  I'm just going round in circles on how to approach this.  It would be much simpler if they did the phasing through outline & reserved matters!


Claire Burton, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: CIL phasing in a Full application

New Member Publications: 20 Date d'inscription: 12/08/13 Publications Récentes

We have used a condition requiring a phasing plan to be submitted and approved on a number of occassions.  It is not always possible to have the phasing referenced in description as not realised until too late by some so we do try to take a sensible approach to the matter as appropriate.

Rebecca Randall, modifié il y a 8 années.

RE: CIL phasing in a Full application

Enthusiast Publications: 60 Date d'inscription: 06/05/14 Publications Récentes

I haven't done it, but could you ask them to submit a phasing plan and list it as an approved plan within the standard condition which states "The development hereby permitted must be carried out in full accordance with the approved plans as listed..."?

You need to make sure such a condition is necessary though, in planning terms.