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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Aujourd'hui

Retaining Core Strategy allocations alongside or within a new Local Plan

Former Member, modifié il y a 3 années.

Retaining Core Strategy allocations alongside or within a new Local Plan

We have a number of strategic allocations in our Core Strategy (2015), three urban extensions all with planning permission and one strategic employment allocation without permission.  These sites form part of our new Local Plan strategy as none of them have started on site yet and we continue to need the policies to inform their implementation.  

My first question is whether it is possible to say the new Local Plan supersedes all but these strategic allocation policies and in effect keep them as part of the development plan once the local plan is adopted (the regs require the superseded policies to be identified in the new plan but we can't find any guidance on what that means for policies not identified as superseded).  

My second question is whether keeping the Core Strategy policies is the best approach? Or should we carry forward the policies with new cross references into the new local plan? The latter is neater and in the long run easy for users of the local plan but it is also potentially risky reopening the examination of these sites. 

Welcome any views, thoughts or experiences on this issue.

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