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Planning Advisory Service (PAS)
Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Aujourd'hui

Who's House Is It Anyway?

Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Who's House Is It Anyway?

Hi there,

I know there are several (hundred?) authorities out there looking at housing numbers. Some of you may well be looking at sustainable urban extensions. Where those extensions require land in an adjoining authority area, how are you dealing with this?

If you are in the 'receiving' authority, but were also considering allocating land adjacent to the built-up area to meet your own needs, how are you dealing with this?

Let's say 'expanding authority' needs to find land for an additional 500 houses, and the most sustainable location is in 'receiving authority' area, adjacent to the existing urban boundary.

'Receiving authority' can accommodate all its need in its own area, but is relying on 1,000 houses being built up to the edge of 'expanding authority', in the same location that 'expanding authority' has earmarked.

Assuming there is only capacity for 1,000 houses in that site, who gets to count them towards their supply?

How are people getting on with this? Has anyone got as far as adopting a plan which made the decision? Can you please share your experiences, or at the very least get back to me for a chat?


Adam Dodgshon, Principal Consultant at PAS