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Affordable Housing Target % in Supplementary Documents

Jonathan Pheasant, modifié il y a 10 années.

Affordable Housing Target % in Supplementary Documents

Advocate Publications: 158 Date d'inscription: 23/05/11 Publications Récentes
Has anyone got a view on or successfully included an affordable housing % requirement in an SPD or other document OUTSIDE their main Core Strategy policy? For reasons of flexibility in reviewing is it appropriate or acceptabel to set the % in say a Planning Obligations SPD and then refer to this in the CS Policy? I realise that Core Strategies should not 'dodge' big issues but if you include a specific % in policy now based on current market and economics/viability it may restrict opportunities to increase and deliver more later. It's possible that doing this could be part of a making housing polcies flexible to changes in market and economic circumstances as SPD is easier to review than Core Strategy.
Former Member, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: Affordable Housing Target % in Supplementary Documents

I don't think that this would be at all acceptable and given the recent challenges to the scope of SPDs in the High Courts would suggest extreme caution. You will need to set the % in your CS policy based on your viability evidence - and review as necessary. The review of individual policies is meant to be easier now (although we haven't tried it yet!)
Jonathan Pheasant, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: Affordable Housing Target % in Supplementary Documents

Advocate Publications: 158 Date d'inscription: 23/05/11 Publications Récentes
Thanks Liz I thought that was the case and that is the way we have planned to do it but we had a discussion with our Housing Strategy colleagues yesterday and they were a little concerned that there may not be flexibility to review a specific % in a Core Startegy so I said I'd pose the question just to see. Thanks Jon
Daniel Hudson, modifié il y a 10 années.

Re: Affordable Housing Target % in Supplementary Documents

Advocate Publications: 121 Date d'inscription: 25/04/12 Publications Récentes
The fundamental problem here is that Core Strategies are forward looking and have to look to the long term whilst viability evidence is backward looking and can change dramatically. The Government has not understood or does not want to understand this. A pragmatic solution would be; i) A policy requirement including a percentage in the Core Strategy with a reference to flexibility and viability issues; ii) Frequently updated SPD or advice on the interpretation of flexibility and viability issues;