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Cars for sale on public highway

Former Member, modifié il y a 9 années.

Cars for sale on public highway

A councillor has asked me to post this question. 

Have you had any success in enforcing against car sales on the public highway? Not the individual car with a 'for sale' sign in the window, but where there are a few or more cars and it is a business. 

Interested to know different people's approaches. Many thanks. 

Former Member, modifié il y a 9 années.

RE: Cars for sale on public highway

Hi Alice

The Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act made it an offence to offer two or more vehicles for sale with 500metres of each other on the highway.  The cars have to be offered for sale by the same person which can be tricky.

Former Member, modifié il y a 9 années.

RE: Cars for sale on public highway

Hi Alice

I asked the same question on this forum on 10th August 2010.

The feeling was that it was difficult to prosecute under the advertisement regs.

The Clean Neighbourhood and Environment Act as Diane mentions that no more than two cars for sale by the same seller within 500 metres.  Often the people selling vehicles know this and display the vehicles for sale with different signage and phone numbers within the 500 metres. 

I have had some success with the Highways Act 1980 section 147A with a letter stuck under the front window wipers.  However this is limited to trunk roads or principal roads.