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Gove's WMS 19th December and Local Development Scheme Reviews

Andrew Chalmers, modifié il y a 5 mois.

Gove's WMS 19th December and Local Development Scheme Reviews

Advocate Publications: 170 Date d'inscription: 20/10/11 Publications Récentes

I note the advice of PAS today which as ever is useful in as far as it can go.  Interesting and very frustrating that no direct message has come from the Chief Planner on the subject as yet.

My query is largely for those authorities, like my own, who are extremely unlikely to be advanced enough to submit a local plan under the current system prior to the June 2025 deadline (although not sure whether this date has any real legislative status till regulations come out).

Under the "new" planning system that means we cannot start formally till sometime in or after autumn 2024 and is predicated on having a new planning system in place.  Given we are now in election year it has to be questioned whether the government will have time or inclination to introduce further legislation on plan making, particularly if this upsets its MPs in the shires. 

Since we don't therefore have any real indication of what might survive of any new system what should be the best course of action?

Any advice gratefully received.   

richard white, modifié il y a 4 mois.

RE: Gove's WMS 19th December and Local Development Scheme Reviews

Advocate Publications: 218 Date d'inscription: 26/11/18 Publications Récentes