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Ouvert | En cours - juillet 2012 | Dernière modification - Hier

Pages avec l'étiquette s106 affordable housing .

Il n'y a aucune page avec cette catégorie.
Sujet Commencé par Réponses vues  
CIL Social Housing relief - Right to Buy Dean Brunton 0 299
S106 contributions - Refurbishing empty homes to provide affordable housing Former Member 4 934
S73 application affordable housing contribution Mike Oakley 0 2205
Affordable Housing and Pooling Restrictions Simon Pickstone 2 1749
Land swap to local authority for s106 - is it legal? Former Member 0 844
New NPPG paras on Planning Obligations query Former Member 17 10625
New guidance on S106, 10 dwelling threshold for affordable housing – and N Former Member 1 2455
New NPPG paras on Planning Obligations query Former Member 17 10625
New Guidance on s106 Former Member 38 38484