Entrées avec l'étiquette health and wellbeing board .

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29 févr. 2016 - 15:39
A solution to a knotty problem sprang into my mind last week.  I was on my way to the local Health and Wellbeing Board and pondering why it has had so little effect.  My previous thoughts on this had focussed on the problems with the health and wellbeing strategy and how it didn’t do what I thought a strategy should do.  However, another aspect of the problem is the process for... Voir plus
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30 sept. 2015 - 11:01
I am not convinced our local health and wellbeing strategy is terribly strategic.  However there are some quite interesting, and even innovative things going on locally in health, adult social care, children’s mental health and other areas.  There are person-centred approaches, a better use of prevention and community based work. So, what to do?  Should we just ignore the... Voir plus
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27 juin 2015 - 19:15
As I’ve written before (here and here) I think there is tremendous potential for Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs) to make a huge difference through their Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (JHWSs).  But it’s deceptively complex. So I drew a diagram (attached) that sets out the key elements a strategy could focus on – those things that could make most long term difference to... Voir plus
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30 oct. 2014 - 11:17
[A more detailed version of this blog appears here.]   How can Health and Wellbeing Boards make the most difference?  I think it’s through Joint Health and Wellbeing Strategies (JHWS’s).  No, wait, come back.  Hear me out.  OK, so they’re not making that much difference at the moment (I’d love to hear of any examples where they are) but they could.   Of... Voir plus
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28 juil. 2014 - 15:54
Everyone agrees it makes sense for public bodies to co-ordinate their community engagement.  So why don’t they (usually)?   I managed to get our Health and Wellbeing Board to agree a protocol, last week, committing the Council, CCGs, Healthwatch and the voluntary and community sector to co-operate in their community engagement work. I’d like to think I achieved this because of... Voir plus
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